Chapter Six

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Rose POV:

The insistent beeping from my phone somehow managed to wake me up. I picked it up and turned the highly annoying alarm clock off. I didn't want to move; I was so comfortable in my warm bed. Besides, does anybody honestly like going to school? I find it to be a waste of time for everybody involved.

I went through my basic morning routine, and donned a casual outfit consisting of skinny jeans and a purple t-shirt. Not my prettiest outfit, but it was simple and cute. My thoughts stayed normal until I was eating breakfast - that's when they turned to Cassidy.

She was such a sweet person, so lovable and kind. If you were to compare me and her, she would so be a better person. You wouldn't know it, but Cassidy has a heart for everybody. If somebody fell and scattered their books, she would more than likely help pick them up; where as I would laugh and continue on my way. I was seriously determind to find out what she was hiding - She's my best friend for craps sake! - but I don't wanto to push her to the point where she feels she can no longer trust me.

"Rose! You better get your ass moving before you miss your bus!" My dad's commanding tone pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, Father! I'm on my way!" I called up to him as I scrambled around to finish. I was rushing so much I didn't even have time to check my make-up, hopefully it looked perfect as usual.

I started the short walk to my bus stop, still musing about Cassidy. That girl deserved a boyfriend; and one that would treat her right.

Cassidy's POV:

I woke up to light footsteps. I hadn't really been sleeping, more like resting. I was aware of everything that was happening around me, I just refused to respond to any of it. It hurt to move any part of my body, I had to stay perfectly still to avoid the excruciating pain. 

I whimpered softly and forced myself off the bed so I could begin the tedious task that is my morning routine. I slowly limped into the bathroom and took my time concealing the bruises and marks that covered my face, neck, and wrists. I didn't bother with the ones on my stomach, forearms, or legs. I knew they could be covered easily with clothing.

I brushed my messy hair out and sighed. It was hopeless to try. It was sticking out every way possible and it seemed no to peices were the same length. The longest strand barely made it past my face. I moved out of the bathroom and dressed myself in a pair of dark skinny jeans with a green long-sleeve shirt. The shirt hid most of my wrists, but the concealer was there just in case the shirt sleeves slipped up.

I was organizing the items in my backpack when Melida threw open my door and appeared in the doorway. I hadn't heard her approaching footsteps; I really must've been concentrating on something besides the pain coursing through my veins. I dropped the textbook I'd been clutching in my hand and blankly stared at her. 'Please don't let her be mad. Please don't let her be mad. Please don't let her hurt me.' I repeated in my mind. I don't know why I did it, I don't believe in God. The way I see it, if he exists, he hates me for some reason.

"Finish what you were doing and get your ass out there to wait for the bus. Don't forget your backpack." She smirked at me. As the door closed I heard her whisper, "little whore can't do anything right, no respect for her elders." It didn't faze me much, Melinda meant nothing to me. 

I complied as fast as I could, sprinting outside to wait for my bus. It was a warm day, and I enjoyed being in the sun rather than cooped up inside my house like usual. I found I was nervous as I waited for the bus; and that was defininetly something different for me.

I kept my head ducked down as I walked toward my seat on the bus. When she greeted me, I ignored it. I refused to talk to anyone, but she was the last person I wanted to speak to. I know she hadn't meant to do anything, but the effect was the same. She made my life so much harder than it already had to be. I honestly didn't even care before, it was a hell of a lot simpler to deal with than it is now. She ruined it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2012 ⏰

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