Chapter One.

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Cassidy's POV:

Footsteps. Loud, thundering footsteps. They sounded like they were running, pacing through the house. They were keeping me awake, sending waves of fear through my body. Even though my slim figure was smashed into the corner, I knew I would be spotted as soon as my door was opened. I would be instantly targeted.

I head a door shut somewhere in the house, then the faint clink of heels on a wooden floor echoed through the house as the wearer trailed after the heavier footsteps. Another door was opened, then shut, and the house was plunged into silence.

I waited a good five minutes before I even dared to move. I was barely breathing and holding myself perfectly still against the wall. I knew making any kind of sound could be extremely dangerous, so even though I was uncomfortable I held my position. When I deemed it safe for me to move, I slowly stretched out my arms and legs. I winced slightly as I moved, the bruises were already starting to appear from when he had come into my room earlier in the night. I couldn't see them, but I know what they feel like, and I could feel them forming.

He had put his everything into it tonight, kicking, punching, slapping, cursing, insulting. He knew how to push me to the point where I had to fight myself to stay silent, knowing that any sound I made would result in more of a punishment. Sadly for him, I'd inherited his skin - I had an extremly pale complexion that bruised easily, which is why I owned such a vast make up collection. Slowly and gently I rolled myself onto my hands and knees, and crawled away from the corner and to the edge of my bed.

Even in pitch black darkness my fingers quickly found what I sought. Under the corner of my bed I had hidden two razor blades. Carl, my "father," never bothered looking under my bed, since my room was always kept spotless. I was far as that went, at least.

My fingers found the cool metal as I pulled it into the palm of my hand. It had been three days since the last time I'd done this, and I felt my pulse accelerate in anticipation. Silently, I dragged the sharp side across the smooth, unbroken skin of my abdomen. It was the one place that remained unmarked - everywhere else on my body had been harmed by me, Carl, or his wife, Melinda. 

As I dug the blade deeper into my skin, my thoughts started to fade away and then disappear entirely. A strange and foreign sense of peace settled over me, and I decided that was enough for the night. I brought the blade with me as I made my way into the bathroom that was connected to my room.

I rinsed all the blood off of the blade so none of it would stain the precious silver object. Then, I silently reached into the medicine cabinet and pulled out the peroxide and neosporin. I poured the peroxide over the wounds slowly, and watched as it started bubbling and fizzing. I waited for it to stop then wiped away the excess liquid with a peice of toilet paper. I threw the toilet paper into the small trashcan and started applying the neosporin to the cuts. I always made sure to care for my wounds, if they ever got infected I would be in major trouble.

I quickly finished caring for my cuts and returned the supplies to their places. I crawled onto my bed and laid on my back, since that was the only position that  wouldn't put me in excuriating pain. I kept my gaze steady on the ceiling that I couldn't see, but knew was there. I closed my eyes lightly and worked on making my breathing even. As I slowly got it under control, I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep.


I woke up with a start, sitting straight up on my bed. I didn't have a clue as to what time it was, but since my body was my internal alarm clock I figured I should be getting ready. My window was no use for telling the time, it was painted black on the outside so almost no light came in through it, even on the brightest of days.

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