Chapter 5.

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Cassidy's POV:

I was in the corner sitting with my head between my legs waiting for the nausea to pass when Rose found me. I heard the clinking of her heels as they hit the tile floor, but I hadn't bothered to look up and see who it was.

She laid a hand on my shoulder, and I jumped up with a yelp. Rose was kneeling next to me with a concerned look in her eyes. "Cassidy? Are you alright?" She asked me.

I pushed my hair away from my face and nodded, forcing a smile onto my face. Rose didn't seem convinced at all. She gripped my hand in hers and pulled me to my feet. Once I was back on my feet she started leading me out of the bathroom to some unknown destination.

"Rose, I'm fine, honestly. I just need to get to class." I responded cooly as I tried to tug my arm away. Unfortunatly, she had my left wrist clasped in her hand. She hadn't been applying much pressure but when I started pulling away she put all her strength into her grip, making me unwilling to try and pull away.

Rose glared at me and shook her head no. "I'm taking you home, Cassidy. You're clearly not feeling well." As she finished speaking she started leading me toward the office.

I guess she was right, I really wasn't feeling myself, but that wasn't anything unusual. And it sure as hell hadn't ever stopped me from going to school before.

I really didn't want to return home to Carl, especially not earlier than I had to. I obviously couldn't tell Rose why I didn't want to to go home. If I fought against her too much about staying in school she'd get suspicious that something was up at my house. I had almost no options either way.

I dragged my feet across the ground as we got closer and closer to the administrative building. I'd been here for three years, and had never once been in the office. I avoided it, keeping flawless grades and behavior left no reason for me to ever need to make a trip to the office. Until now, that is. 

Rose glanced back at me and smiled re-assuringly as she waited for me to catch up with her. When I finally did, she released my hand and kept walking at her regular pace. I kept my eyes locked on the ground, watching my tattered sneakers as they slapped across the concrete.

 Rose tried to chat with me as we walked, but I just held my silence. I wasn't in the mood to talk, especially not to her, even though she was only trying to help.

Rose opened the door to the office and gently nudged me into the slightly chilly green room. Rose led me to the front desk and started talking with the lady who was sitting there. She somehow managed to get us both excused from our afternoon classes so she could drive me home. 

Rose led to the parking lot and swore. We'd both taken the bus this morning, so Rose didn't have her neon green convertible with her here at the school. She pulled her phone out and started texting somebody.

Five minutes later Damien emerged from the school with his keys held in his outstretched hand. He must've been skipping class or eating lunch late, because I doubted his teachers would let him  out of his class to  bring his keys to his girlfriend.

I watched as Rose took the keys from him and pressed a small, brief kiss to his lips before pulling away and heading towards his car. I followed her, having nowhere else to go.

Rose went straight to the driver's side of the black Mercedes, and I hesitantly went over to the passenger side. Rose unlocked both our doors and I climbled into the car.

I kept fidgeting in my seat as I inspected the car. It had leather seats, and a nice-looking radio. Then again, I knew very little about cars since I rode the bus to and from school, and that's the only place I go besides my house. 

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