The wedding

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Mes and Jenna sang along to the songs on the radio as they drove to the church for Nancy's wedding.

"We're here." Jenna pulled into a parking spot in front of a small cathedral. "I hope the service is not long," Mes groaned at the sight of the church. "Don't worry. I doubt it will. Nancy can't wait to rub it in everyone's face that she's married." They got out of the car and walked towards the church.

People were gathered about in little groups, catching up on each others' lives.

"Jenna, sweetie." An older version of Jenna beckoned them. "Your mom?" Mes gaped at the resemblance. "No. That's my aunt. My mom's twin sister."

"Wow, just wow." Jenna giggled and pulled her along. "Aunt Claire," Jenna hugged the woman and looked around. "Where's mom?"

"Oh you know your mother. As late as ever," her aunt rolled her eyes and smiled. "Aunt Claire, this is Mercedes, my friend."

"Hi sweetie," aunt Claire gathered Mercedes in a hug. "My, don't you two look gorgeous!" She exclaimed, checking out their clothes. "Thanks aunt Claire."

"Oh there you are! Hey baby, how are you? Claire I told you to wait for me!" A voice rushed from behind them. "Mom!" Jenna flung her arms around the woman and they laughed.

"Now, Claire-" she started then broke off to stare at Mercedes. "And you are?" She asked with a smile that made Mes feel weird.

"Ugh, mom," Jenna groaned. "This is Mercedes, a friend. Just a friend." She emphasized on the 'just'.

"My mom has this crazy thought that I'm gay," Jenna explained. "Well, what am I to think? You've never brought a man home." Her mom challenged. "Whatever. Anyway this is Marie, my mother."

"Nice to meet you," Mes held out her hand for a handshake. Marie stared blankly at the hand for a minute then pulled Mes in for a huge hug.

"You are so pretty. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Mom!" Jenna groaned and yanked her friend out of her mother's grip.

"Let's just go in," Claire suggested and Jenna happily complied.

Just like Jenna had said, the service was short and by the next hour, Nancy was married and flaunting about in her new wedding ring.

"The reception venue is just fifteen minutes down the road. God, I'm so hungry." Jenna groaned as they got into the car.

Mes had a funny feeling in her stomach as they took off. Something was up. She just didn't know if it was good or bad.

They drove in silence, each in their own heads, Jenna probably fantasizing about food.

Others had already arrived by the time they got to the event center. The place had been decorated in white, gold and baby blue. It almost looked celestial.

Mes looked around warily, the funny feeling was getting stronger. It was like someone was staring at her but she couldn't see who.

"Come on, let's sit." Jenna walked over their reserved table and Mes followed. "Hey, what is it?" Jenna frowned. "I don't know. I just have this weird feeling that something's going to happen." Mes shrugged. "Good or bad?" Jenna placed a hand on her thigh. Mes shrugged and Jenna squeezed her thigh comfortingly.

The waiters came out with trays and trays of champagne. "Finally," Jenna grinned and grabbed two flutes for herself. Mes laughed and took one for herself, thanking the waiter.

"Mm, this is good champagne." Jenna hummed and took another sip. Soon, they were joined at  the table by Jenna's mom and aunt.

Marie's phone rang and she picked it. "James." Jenna immediately brightened up. "Yes, she's here. We're at the reception... Well, you said you didn't want to come... Well, what was I supposed to do? Just talk to your daughter." Marie rolled her eyes with a smile and handed the phone over.

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