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Jenna and Mes sang as they cleaned the house. She had been living with her for about two weeks and every Saturday, they cleaned the house. Mes was getting used to this lifestyle with her new friend.

The new environment had been good for her. She had cleared her head and has been able to push away her wolf into the deep confines of herself, occupying herself enough to not think about her mate.

Mes made her way to the kitchen when the oven dinged. They had baked today. Jenna had said it was a good way to release stress and it had worked. She was on a relaxation high, her head swimming. She pulled the tray of cookies out of the oven and set them on the rack to cool.

Jenna walked in, a duster in her hand. "And I'm done," she sighed and hopped onto the counter, dropping the duster.

"Brunch?" Mes asked, reaching for a crate of eggs. "You know it." It was almost eleven and they had not eaten because they were busy with keeping the house neat.

In a few minutes, the small meal of omelettes with baked beans and sausages  and freshly squeezed orange juice was ready to be devoured.

"We're going to the mall after this. I need to get a few things and a new dress. My cousin's getting married next week and I have to be there. If you want to, you can come with me. But that is all up to you."

"Sure, I don't mind." Mes shrugged. She had been getting to know Jenna and she didn't seem shady in the least bit.

They arrived at the mall a bit after noon and Jenna immediately dragged Mercedes into the first boutique she laid her eyes on.

Jenna picked a baby blue dress from a nearby rack and held it up against her body. "So?" Mes made a thinking face, "I don't think so,"

Jenna pouted and put the dress back. "Get something pinkish. You look good in pink." Mes advised, picking a coral coloured strapless gown with a thigh slit. "How about this?"

"It wouldn't be fair to Nancy, my cousin. I'll be stealing all the attention in that dress," Jenna laughed, her eyes glinting. "So no?" Mes asked unsure if Jenna wanted the dress or not. Her words and facial expression were saying different things.

"Oh I want it. Just not to Nancy's wedding." she pouted and snatched the dress out of Mes' hand to go try it on.

She walked out moments later looking like she just stepped out of a Hollywood movie. The dress was sophisticated but not overbearing, slinky but not too vulgar. It gave just the right kind 'pizzazz' and she was already in love with it.

"Oh I'm so buying this." She twirled in front of the full length mirror and pushed up her breast for more effect in her bust area. "You should search for a dress too." She said over her  shoulder to Mes.

Jenna went back in the changing room to change out of the dress. She signalled to one of the shop attendants when she walked out and handed the dress to her and continued to search through the racks, casually throwing dresses over her shoulder at Mercedes.

"Go try them on," she shooed her into the changing room. Mes groaned and did as she was told.

She walked out in a jade green sundress that brought out her eyes and made them sparkle. It was a pretty simple dress but could be worn on different occasions. "You're getting that."

"I think it has to be more wedding-ny" Mes pointed out. "Not for the wedding stupid."

"Then why?"

"Because it looks good on you. Now let's get wedding clothes." Jenna rummaged through the pile of clothes she had picked out.

It had taken over two hours for them to be done. " I can't feel my feet," Mercedes whined and Jenna rolled her eyes. "That was nothing," she shrugged. Mercedes wasn't big on shopping and the longest she had spent on dress shopping was an hour where she ended up buying two dresses and a pair of shoes. But today Jenna had dragged her around through every clothes shop in the mall and had bought enough clothes, shoes and accessories for fashion week. All in two hours.

"Come on. I'll drive. You can sleep." Jenna offered, lugging shopping bags. Just as they came out the exit, she stopped. "Jenna my arms are dying here. Let's go," Mercedes nudged her to keep moving as she also had her arms full of shopping bags.

Out of the blue, Jenna grabbed her arm and pulled her behind a delivery truck. "What-" Jenna shushed her. "You remember I mentioned I had a mate," Jenna whispered and Mes nodded.

Jenna stuck out her head slowly and pointed. "That's him." Mes looked to see a huge bulk of a man, subtly sniffing the air.

"He'll most probably sniff you out, you know that right?" Mes pointed out just as the man  zeroed in on his mates scent and marched in her direction.

"Jenna," his voice was deep and gravely and Jenna squeaked when he came up behind her. "Hey Mason," she looked around trying to spot an escape route. "Don't even try it. I'm not allowing it a second time." He ground out. "I...wasn't." Jenna tried to defend but failed.

Mercedes dropped the bags and groaned in relief, massaging her arms and flailing them about to get the blood flowing through them again.

"Erm, Mason, this is Mercedes. Mes, Mason, my mate."

Mason lowered his eyes at Mes and she looked at him weird. "What? Do I have something on my face?" She touched her face. "You're the Queen. I knew I recognised the face." He said and her eyes widened. "You can't rat me out, please." She held her hands before her in a prayer style.

"I can't go behind the King's back. He's been searching for you so long. You were with Jenna, no wonder you were so well hidden." He glared at her and she tittered nervously, staring down at her shoes.

"Please Mason, you can't rat me out. Please."

"But he's the King."

"And I'm the Queen. So technically you have to do as I say."

"But as the Queen you're supposed to be with the King." He argued. She groaned at his stubbornness, "not all relationships work out."

He still wasn't convinced. "Do me this favour and I promise Jenna will come back with you. Willingly." That definitely caught his attention as he stood up straighter and looked at Jenna who was glaring in Mes' direction.

"Give us a minute, Mason." He obeyed and walked away a few feet. "What?" Jenna whisper yelled. "Oh come on, he was gonna take you with him either way so why not use it as leverage. It's a win win." Mes shrugged. "Yeah for you two. What about me? What about what I want?" Jenna groaned.

"What is it that you want then?"

"To not be tied down. I have my whole life ahead of me and I want to live it how I want and I want to pick who ever I get to spend the rest of my life with. Mother nature didn't have to go and get it done for me." She threw her hands in the air.

"You can still do the living but you won't find anyone perfect for you as Mason. He's your mate for a reason and whether you admit it or not, you have feelings for him. And you are going to fall for him in a way you never dreamed possible. And he's going to do all he can to make you happy. Just give him a chance."

"Hm, maybe you should take your own advice." And Mes knew she was right but she wasn't ready to do that just yet.

"Mason," Jenna called him and he was next to her in a flash, taking the bags from her and picking up the ones Mes dropped.


Thank you all for being patient. Another update...Yay!!

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