Chapter 33

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Harry POV:

It felt so good having selena in my arms laying next to me, selena looks up at me " I was going to tell you"selena said I looked down at her as I adjusted myself " but you didn't"I said " I was, but my parents came"selena said I got up from bed, yes, we just had sex, I added my clothes back on " I'm sorry, selena"I said she gets up and gets dressed aswell as she looks at me. Coming closer to fill in the gap between us " what do you think I should do?"selena asked I widen my eyes she wants me to pick for her, she wants me to tell her " selena"I breathed out she looks at me with those beautiful big brown sparkling eyes " I can't decided for you, that's up to you, clearly he loves you to ask you in marriage"I said she looked down " not the answer I wanted to hear"selena said as she took a seat on my bed, I made my way to her sitting down next to her " I thought you love me?"selena said " I do, selena I love you with all my heart"I said " but you want me to marry Sean, that's truly love Harry"selena said getting angry, I wouldn't blame her " selena!,"I said as she got up and turned around faced me " I thought you were the one"selena said as she opened my door walking away " selena!"I yelled she stopped and faced me " I just want you to be happy"I said " my happiness is with you.... But I guess you don't see that"selena said " don't be like that!"I Said " tell me one thing Harry when you were crying was it because you thought you would lose me or because you were giving up on me"selena asked I stayed quite I didn't know what to say to that, I guess both.. " whatever Harry, you got your wish, I'm marry Sean"selena said as she ran off I was going to call her, but what's the whole point, we just finished our relationship, Sean is marrying selena and I lost the girl, my one and true love!

Melony POV:

Since mom left to see dad, I'm here " okay tiger, I'm going to see Clare, she has dinner ready for me"Eli said I smiled and nodded "Okay"I said as I got up engulfing him into a hug he said bye to Sean, oh yeah, Sean is here! Demi comes " okay, baby, you can handle yourself right?"demi asked I nodded " tell selena, my job called, tell her I'll call her"demi said I nodded " okay"I said as I hugged her and she left leaving me and Sean, I took out my phone and texted Derek, no one knows I'm dating Derek, only my parents and im going to keep it that way...

To: Derek

Hey boo, what's up

From: Derek

Hey lovely, I'm good, hbu, with all the problem going on?

I smiled

To: Derek

Mom went to talk to Harry, because he was upset

From: Derek

I would bet, I mean I would to

To: Derek

So, when can I see you?

From: Derek

When you want!, I mean I have to get a ticket to fly to you, but whenever you need me

To: Derek

That's sweet, thanks

" who you texting?" I looked at where the voice came from and saw it was Sean... "uh...Derek, a friend"I said and he nodded " boyfriend" he asked I shook my head " just friend"I said and he nodded "okay, so have any idea who hurt you still?"Sean asked I put my phone down and looked at him " no!"I said "I can tell you don't like me" he said I smirked " you use to like me. But ever since Harry came back you just didn't care about me anymore"Sean said " look, I understand you like my mom, but who are you really?, there's something about you I just haven't figured out yet"I said squinting my eyes as the door open revealing selena, she didn't bother saying anyone she went went up the stairs and slamming the door shut okay, what just happened?

I got up immediately and walked upstairs to see my mom, so you guys are problemly asking why am I always with my mom instead of my friends, well I'm close to my mom, but I'm going to hang out with Jasmine today but later on, Jasmine is my best friend, she was the first to talk to me at school

I knocked on my moms door but she wouldn't answer, so I decided to open the door and I see selena laying on her bed, her face barrying into the pillow " mom?, mommy?"I said as I sit down on her bed, she immediately got up whipping off her tears oh and dad got in a fight " hi sweety, I didn't know you knocked"she said I lightly smiled " its okay, everything okay?"I asked she sighed as she was about to cry again " me and your dad broke it off, I'm marrying Sean hunny"mom said I widen my eyes " WHHAATT!!!!!, what happened???, I thought you guys were good?"I asked" no, we weren't"mom said " do you love Sean?"I asked she sighed " he's really good to me, us"mom said " no, mom please don't marry him"I said she tilted her head to the side " why not?"mom asked " I don't want another dad, I want Harry and you"I said she sighed " I'm sorry baby"mom said " why you marrying Sean, you don't even love him, marriage is suppost to be about love, don't marry Sean"I said

Selena POV:

Melony is right, my heart, mind, feeling everything is Harry, Harry is the love of my life, why am I going to marry Sean if I don't even love him?? " your right sweety, but I don't want to hurt him"I said " mom, you have to take risks, you have to break it off with Sean and go get harry"melony said wow, " thanks Mel"I said she smiled and hugged me

Harry POV:

I was packing, I'm leaving and not coming back, I can't stay here watch selena marry Sean, I'm leaving, I'm leaving everything...

I sighed having everything in my hands as I closed the door and made my way to the airport

Once I got there, I gave the lady my ticket and all I did was wait...

Selena POV:

I put my shoes on and made my way to Harry, I'm not marrying Sean, I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer but he never did I frown my eyes and noticed the door was unlocked, I entered to a halfway empty room what's going on, I go to the bed and noticed a note


I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm leaving and not coming back, I'm going to miss you sooo much you have no idea, your problemly asking why I'm leaving, I'm leaving because I can't watch the love of my life marry a douche like sean, but please do me a favor Keep a Very Good Close eye on Sean, and for selena tell her I'm sorry, this time she's not the one that didn't leave me, I did it wasn't to get back at her or anything because I do truly love her its because I want her to be happy, happy with someone who cant hurt her, melony, your my first daughter, and I have memories that I will NEVER forget because you were my prize, your my daughter that I got to share with selena, your my Number 1 always okay Mel, Always!!! Take care of selena and give a hard time on Sean, I'm kidding but don't hurt him!! I lovvee you Mel!!! And selena if this is you that reading this.. all I can say is, I NEVERED stopped loving you, I will always love you no matter what selena!! You were my last, and it will be the same!!! I lovvee you sooo much that it broke my heart writing this, don't chase after me because that wouldn't be fair since I didn't do that to you, Melony and selena you guys were my happiness and it breaks my heart saying goodbye like this, I just couldn't say it to your face, I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you selena and melony!!! I lovvee you both soooo much!!!! Take care and live your life selena with Sean!!! Goodbye!!!!


I couldn't help myself but cry durning this note, he didn't just leave me but he left melony!!! I wasn't sad, I was mad!!! I ran holding the note to my chest, once I got home I see Sean and melony sitting far away from eachother, I'm sorry Melony!!"Sean"I said catching there attention "hey love" sean said getting up planting a kiss on my cheek " is it late for the proposal"I asked he smiled widely and melony jaw dropped "not at all"Sean said I looked at him " Sean, I'll marry you"I said " really?"Sean asked " MOM!!! What are you doing???"melony asked getting up " yes"I said Sean bend down on one knee asking me again " Selena will you marry me?"Sean asked I nodded as he hugged me kissing me, putting the ring on my finger WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!


Before you all jump in conclusion I already have this story planned out!!! This story is almost finished!!! I am sorry if I disappointed you guys with this chapter!!! But tell how you feel with this chapter!! I'll update again soon!!!:)

Love you all!!!:)<3


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