Chapter 10

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Selena POV:

I was making dinner since I had nothing better to do I wonder where melony is? she hasn't even tried contacting me I dialled Eli to see if melony is at his place "selena, what's wrong"Eli asked I laughed " why is it that when I call you think something is wrong?"i asked as Eli cried " sorry habit"Eli said as I laughed " whatever..yo have you seen melony? is she with you?"i asked "no, don't tell me you lost her, selena is a human not a puppy that you lose and find in a pound"Eli said "shut up, I didn't lose her, shes maybe with demi I'll call you soon bye"i said "byee"Eli said and I hung up

I touched my forehead oh that girl will be in so much trouble remind me to get her a phone I dialled demi number as I hear her voice "hello" "hey dems its Selena"I said "ohhh hey sel, what's up"demi asked " nothing just worried in fact have you seen melony? is she with ya?"i asked "melony oh haha funny as this will be she is..sorry I didn't call"demi said I chuckled nervously " no its okay, atleast she's safe right, remind me to get her a phone"I laughed as demi laughed " don't worry, I'll drop her off at home"demi said "okaay just be here by 6 because I'm making burgers"I said and demi laughed over the phone " will do, make me some to"demi said "will do, bye dems"I said "okaay sel bye"dems said "bye"I said and hung up

Demi POV:

what's with this girl trying to know everything about harry " is he nice?"melony asked "no,he's rude why do you think selena dumped him...jk yeah he is"I said " why did my mom dump him"melony asked wait selena never told her " I uh.."i said as I didn't know if its a topic I should tell her "uh..okay melony that's a topic mother and daughter should talk about"I said "is it that bad, I know he hurt her emotionally but is it that bad"melony asked " ask your mother darling"I said she nodded "finnee, what if he doesn't like me"melony said paniking "melany stop panicking he's going to love you,"i said as she looked at me and smiled " you sure"melony asked I nodded " he will be an idiot if he doesn't"I said as she came and Hugged me " thanks demi"melony said I nodded "okaay let's go home before your mom goes ape"I said and laughed "okayy, oh and not a single word about this to mom"melony said "why"I asked " because she will be sad knowing I want to contact my dad, she will think she's doing a bad job taking care of me which she isnt she's going an amazing job, I wouldn't ask for another mother, I would want my mom who is selena because she's my mom and that would never change "melony said I smiled its great knowing melony is attached to selena they have a good mother and daughter relationships, selena is lucky by having a daughter who adores her sooo much..


demi and melony walked into the house by having melony run to selena engulfing her into a hug " hey darling"selena said kissing her head "hi mom"melony said as selena looked at demi "hey girl"selena said engulfing her into a hug "hey something smells good"Demi said selena nodded her head "yeah, I'm making burgers duh"selena said in a 'duh' tone as demi laughed as selena grabbed melony Weist " and how are you"selena said tickling her as melony was uncontrollably laughing as selena pulled her dipped her and showered her into kisses "moom stopp"melony laughed as selena stopped

Selena POV:

I finished the burgers as melony was already sitting down " okaayy burgers already ready, let me get the ingredients"I said as I went and grabbed the ketchup, mustard, tomatoes, lettuce I all of a sudden forgot an important ingredient "oh shoot forgot the-"i said but melony beat me to it "PICKLES HA I BEAT YA"melony yelled cheerfully as I laughed melony got up immediately and went to get it I took a seat as I looked at demi " you guys are so alike"demi said I nodded making my burger " yeah, she reminds me"I laughed as demi burst out laughing " selena your so full of yourself"demi laughed making her burger "GOT IT"melony yelled coming back with the pickles as she took a seat " mom your getting to old"melony said I gasped " I'm only 27"I said as melony laughed as she was making her burger " sooo what were you guys up to"I asked "uh..nothing"melony and demi said together I frown my eyes " I'll pretend you guys are not hiding anything"I said as demi and melony laughed nervously " is there something you guys need to tell me"I asked curious "nope"melony said smiling I looked at demi "uh..let melony tell you when your ready"demi said I nodded confusly " okay?"i said unsure

The Next Day


Harry POV:

I got to the ticket lady handing her my plane ticket " have fun at Texas"the lady said handing me my boarding pass I smiled " thank you"I said as I went to take a seat why would demi want to see me?, is selena okay? is she still mad at me?, does she want to get back together? " the plane to Texas is now aboarding"the voice said I sigh I guess I'll find out once I get there I handed the man my boarding pass " window on the left seat 35"the man said I nodded and went to my seat I put my head phones


The plane already landing as I'm looking outside I took a deep breath as I went down the plane stairs " Welcome to Texas" the man said to me I smiled Texas, hm, well here I come Texas..


sooo don't you guys just like the mother and daughter moments? and Harry... in Texas? what will happen next

vote and comment!!!!

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