Chapter 7

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5 Months Later

Selena POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night since the baby was crying I went to her room as I went to her crib she was crying non stop "hey"I said as I picked her up rocking her back and forth in my arms as I reached for her bottle it was empty I sigh as I carried her downstairs and made my way to the kitchen I went into the fridge and grabbed another bottle as the came calmed down a little I heated up her bottle and waited as I rocked her back and forth the baby yawned and rubbed her eyes after heating up the bottle I gave it to her as she dranked it I went to her bedroom as I kissed her tiny head and layed her down on her bed just as I was about to leave the baby started crying I walked over as I thought of a little song that came in my mind I rocked the crib side to side as I started singing

you are my world my darling what a beautiful world I see you are my one and only your my beautiful melony

I sang as little melony started closing her eyes I smiled " good night Angel"I said as I kissed her head again and went to my room as I fell asleep

The Next day

I woke up again with little melony crying as I feed her the bottle she was still crying so I changed her diaper she finally calmed down I picked her up and carried her downstairs as I layed her down on the sofa " wanna smile for mommy"i said in a kid voice as melony smiled covering her face as I started tickling her "yes you are, yes you are"I said in baby talk " your so beautiful,"i said picking her up over my head so I was staring up at her and then I kissed her cheek as melony started grabbing my hair "ow,ow, baby that's my hair"I said untangling my hair from her grip as I kissed her cheek again " auntie demi is here"Demi said storming into my house I looked up at demi " yes demi, why don't you come in"I said as demi laughed taking lil melony from my grip showering her with kisses I laughed " can you hold her while I get her baby food"I asked " of coursee, I'll carry this princess holding her"demi said as I shook my head and I went to the kitchen and grabbed her favourite baby food peaches as I went to the living room I see demi playing with melony I smiled " wanna feed her"I asked " sure"demi said as she grabbed the food from my hand and feed her

Eli came storming in as melony started gurgling she really loves Eli, Eli picked up melony kissing her stomach as melony smiled as he put her down she started crawling, melony learned how to crawl when it was 3 months, Eli came to me giving me a hug " how are ya sis"he asked " I'm great"I said smiling as he nodded trust me its not easy taking care of a child by yourself but its a lot helpful when you have people supporting you and helping you.. " sooo I was thinking, time to teach melony how to walk"Eli said I laughed " she just learned how to crawl 3 months back "demi said and I nodded agreeing with demi " but, trust me its good when a little girl walks earlier"Eli said " fine"I said once Eli was trying to make melony walk it wasn't working out..


Sorry short chapter but hey at least its something!!! hope you like it..

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