Chapter 11

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Yo Gurl: Mika will always be freakishly short in my stories and Yuuichiro be really tall. Make that known everywhere.

It's been a few days since they left my room. They have come to my room, trying to apologize to me but I just refused to leave my room.

I've gotten a little closer to Mikaela throughout these past few days. He doesn't talk to me a lot but I kinda did force him back into my life by breaking down the walls that he put up around himself.

It's not like I starve myself in my room or stop working out. If I'm going to save Mika then I need to stay in shape and keep myself healthy. 

Weeellll maybe not mentally but you get the point I'm trying to make here.

"Ok... I think I'm actually going to go to training today with the rest of the army." I said to myself with determination. I puffed out my chest before checking myself out in the mirror then leaving the room.

Everyone gave me strange looks as I walked across the courtyard into the training grounds with everyone else. They parted like the red sea as I walked smugly into the grounds, winking at people who starred too long.

Fuckers probably thought I was dead.

Haha, nice joke! Nobody gets rid of the great Yuuichiro.

"Guess you finally decided to show up meathead." I glared at the smug guy's expression then replaced it with a smile.

"Says your strawberry looking ass." His mouth gaped open along with several others.

"Yeah didn't think this meathead wouldn't notice your red ass hair and freckled looking ass." The man's face grew super red as others began to laugh at my comments.

It's a wonder why I don't have any friends since I'm such a great person.

He raised his fists, ready to fight but I just laughed and walked away to one of the areas to fight against another person.

The meathead looked like he wanted to fight me but looked warily at the demon weapon in my grasp.

Mika's practically harmless. I don't understand why everyone would be scared of him.

He shook his head at me then motioned for one of his buddies to come and fight me. The guy looked genuinely scared as my demon sword took the chance to start bringing out steam.

I knew what that meant but nobody else did which I found completely hilarious.

It means that Mika's out of my mind and somewhere around here. Now that I think about it. He looked like he really was tired so maybe he went somewhere comfortable to sleep.

Darn! that means my demon weapon won't be so powerful.

He needs his rest so I won't be bugging him anytime soon or he might get mad at me again and shut me out of his life.

A man that looked a little older than me and a little shorter came to stand in front of me with his demon weapon drawn. He had two short swords that produced a small amount of smoke to radiate off of them.

The guy had dark blue hair that was swooshed to the side along with some dark blue, almost black eyes.

It was as if you starred long enough you could tell he had blue eyes.

An eerie feeling was radiating off of this man, giving me chills that ran up my back.

He smirked at me as if he could tell what I was thinking at the moment.

I pulled my sword slowly from its sheath, watching as the jewels sparkled upon hitting the sunlight. The man looked towards my sword with a smirk on his face then got into a fighting stance.

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