Chapter 1

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Authors Note: This is just something that I felt like doing and has been on mind for a while besides my other option. Plus I have learned so much about the show that I actually didn't know. 

P.S its not a typo when I call Ferid Trashory or Trash.

Mika's POV (After Yuu left him)

Pain racked through my body as the blood continued to slowly drain from my body.

"Lord Ferid, are you ok? Damn brats." Some of the cities guards were walking around, feeling the bodies for a small pulse or any sign that they were alive.

Loud footsteps were heard coming towards my body. My body was facing towards the ground so I couldn't see the guards but I could feel them feeling for a pulse in my neck.

"This ones still alive. His blood smells really good to." The guard spoke to his friend.

"Might as well kill him, He's going to be dead in a few minutes anyway." The man raised his hand about to bring it to my neck when a high pitched, childish voice stopped them.

"Wait, don't kill that one." My body was turned over by a short girl who looked about eight with pink hair. Her red, cat like eyes were piercing into my blue ones.

"How did Ferid get beat up by a couple of kids and they like to call him the 7th progenitor. Its kind of embarrassing don't you think so Trashory." Ferid rised from the floor, causing my mouth and eyes to widen in horror. I guess all the things we did were for nothing.

At least one of us got to see the light again. Maybe someday I will get to see him again, of course maybe when both of us are dead.

"Hey give me some credit, their were like 8 of them. Plus I can rat you out to the council that you were hiding the seraphs in a vampire capital. Also only one of them escape, its not like both of them did." You could probably feel the dark arura radiating off the small pink haired female right now.

"YOU WHAT!?" You could see the flash and Ferid was pinned down on the ground with his arm flying across the room.

The girls look was deadly. She had her foot pressed up against his neck, probably cutting off the air in his lungs.

"Come on Kruly you still have one left. Welllll maybe not for much longer." The girl gave the silver haired man a death glare.

"Ok fine I wont meddle in your affairs with keeping the brats alive anymore." With that the girl let him go and started to walk towards my bleeding body.

She leaned down and turned me over then sat down on top of me. "Hey I can offer you eternal life oooorrr you can bleed out on the floor." The guards were moving around the room and picking up the dead bodies of my friends.

"I-I don't want it." I said quietly with tears in my eyes. 

'Why cant they just leave me to die in peace.'

"Well you don't really get a choice." With that the girl bit her tongue and put her mouth on mine.

Once her mouth was on mine a warm liquid started running down my throat.

My eyes widened upon recognizing the taste. 

I screamed as a sharp went throughout my body. My gums started to bleed as I screamed.

Sharp pains were going through my body as a new found strength was forming inside. My eyes were becoming sharper at spotting any moving thing that would move around the room.

"My name is Krul and you are now a vampire Mikaela Hyakuya." My body was completely healed but I continued to feel pain rack through my body.

Krul was handed something that looked like an arm from one of the guards. She put it near the stub in my arm and I watched as it slowly mended together. 

My eyes widened at the fact that I could move my fingers perfectly fine without having any pain. 

Of course their was still pain going through my body. 

Once the pain started to stop I just felt extremely weak as I looked into the smirking face of Krul and Ferid.

The small woman moved very fast and picked me up into her arms as tears came down my face. I struggled for moment but I was very weak so it probably felt like nothing to her.

The walls of the hallway kept going by so fast that it made my mind extremely dizzy.

We entered a room that had one giant giant golden throne with the traditional red cushioning. 

I was placed onto the ground in the long hallway with a very long red carpet. The pink haired girl went and brought back a glass of some type of red liquid.

"Drink the liquid my little vampire. It will make you feel better." The scent of blood consumed my sense. I tried to fight them off but they were really strong and my gums were aching for the blood in the glass.

She brought the glass towards my face, letting me see the blood move in waves inside the glass. I started to lean forward towards the glass before I came back to my senses.

I slapped the glass away, letting it fall to the ground several feet away from us.

"Fine I guess your going to want to be a demon. You will have no control over the things you and might hurt the people you love." She laughed to herself and snapped her fingers at some guards to gain their attention.

"Take him to the tank."

'What!' I started to struggle and move back away from the people that slowly started to form a giant group around me.

They grabbed my arms and the last thing I knew was an arm coming straight towards the back of my head. 

My vision slowly started to become darker as a sharp was felt going through the top of my head.

'Help me Yuu'

A whisper in my earWhere stories live. Discover now