Chapter 4

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Pain would describe the feeling that lingers all across my pale skin.

I'm completely useless for anything, but still, they choose to experiment on my body till I pass out from the grave pain.

It wasn't fair how they used me and still use me to this day for their play time. The sickening grins on their faces always scared me.

Why were they always so happy with causing everyone so much pain?

How would they react if it was them in the tank instead of my skinny body? They would most likely cry in pain or try to escape which would be futile, considering how weak I am right now. 

It hurts to know that there are others that might be suffering the same fate that I'm in right now. Maybe there aren't, but how would I ever know that.

I like to think that no one is ever going to suffer this much.

What point were they trying to prove by turning me into all different sorts of creatures every single day? At least he got to be free and live a happy life.

Even I get to see the life he's living right now that I'm his demon. It's good to know that airhead finally decided to make some friends and stop being so mad at the world.

I know he still thinks of us but of course, he can't bring us back to life. Everyone moves on at some point. 

For the better or for the worst.

Even if it hurts me. I'm happy that he's deciding to finally move on and make some new friends or new people to call family.

It was my fault anyway that they all died. My decision to leave cost me the lives of all my friends except one and he deserved to live the most from what he's been through.

It makes me happy that he's really starting to move, maybe I can finally be free and leave this world.

Being free would be nice but there's nothing for me to go back to. Plus it's not fair that I got to live and the others didn't because of my decision.

I've been sitting in this light, dark place. I only get company when people decide they want to possess me. 

Do I kill them? I try not to but the inner demon in me wants to kill them as soon as they decide to come into my world.

Then again they are stupid to try to possess a demon who watches them outside of the sword. 

Since I'm still alive, physically they can find my body and return me. But I would never tell any of these people that.

Only time will tell what happened to my physical form. If my physical form dies then I will be gone forever. 

It won't matter anyway if they don't get to me in time. I just want to say goodbye one last time.

A girl with long pink hair and some other vampires with white hoods on came into the room that held my tube and a bunch of lab equipment. 

I couldn't see them but I could most definitely sense them. They were most likely going to do more experiments on my current body or move me to a different spot like they did last time.

They tried to give me to a vampire but I killed them almost instantly. Eventually, they had to stop because they lost 43 vampires to a demon who hates them with his being. 

So they had decided to give me to the humans. They were going to see whether it was possible for a demon to still be alive and free but confined to a demon weapon.

Of course, the experiment failed tons of times on others but one succeeded and that was me of course. The pain was completely unbearable though. 

The pain wasn't as bad as it was the first time. I still feel the slightest sting or cut that's made through my skin.

My idiotic best friend right now was currently trying to cook some food for his friends but was completely failing miserably at the simple task of making brownies.

Maybe I can steal one of those later and throw it at his friends. They would think that their being haunted by some ghost, which would be hilarious to me.

"Yuuichiro you suck at making brownies!"

"Hey! I do not!?" Yuuichiro yelled at his idiotic friends. The brownies he held looked just a little bit burnt and the other half looked undercooked.

How did that happen?

I don't even have the slightest clue on how that's even possible to do.

Well, maybe it's time to make myself more presentable.

In one moment I was looking through his eyes and the next I could control his every movement except his mouth.

I wouldn't hurt anyone unless they wanted to possess me for a demon weapon, other than that I'm completely harmless to others.

I flexed my new hands, getting used to the new feeling in my hands. I looked at all the of the people who still had their amused gazes at the burn/uncooked food. They looked at me sceptically for a minute.

Their eyes widened when they most likely looked at my eyes. When most demons possess their humans their eyes change to match their demons.

Right now mines were most likely blue and more cat-like considering I was a vampire.

"Yuuichiro what's going on with your eyes."

"I don't know but I'm not controlling my actions at the moment." The girl named Shinoa looked at us with fear in her eyes and pulled out her weapon, activating it. I smiled at her for a moment before continuing with what I came out here to do.

I went through the cupboards and the fridge, looking for the ingredients to make some new good looking brownies. 

I grabbed some chocolate chips to put in the pre-made batter and stuck that in the oven, but not forgetting to set the timer.

"Let me have control demon." Did I listen to the fool that can't bake? Of course not.

I do what I want in this body and there is nothing that he can do about it.

His friends watched me move around the kitchen, cleaning up all the dirty dishes and bringing out some mini plates for the brownies.

By the time I was done the brownies were ready to be taken out of the oven.

Yuuichiro has been trying to communicate with me through his mind but I just ignored him and kept doing what I was doing. 

The oven dinged and I took the brownies out and brought out some powdered sugar to put on top. Shinoa still had the same stance as before but slightly lowered her guard as I moved around the kitchen.

My other body was weak right now so when I'm out of anything I start to feel the effects my physical form is having. 

Before I leave I need to leave one last note for him just in case the vampires do decide to kill my physical form.

I grabbed a small piece of paper, writing down the note I wanted to leave for them.

Find me in the capital before it's too late...

I set the note down before looking outside the window. I watched the sun fade into white as I left the world once again.

It wasn't a painful process physically but it was mentally. It was nice to see the sun for the first time in four years, but to go away again. It hurt.

Yuu's POV

My friends looked sceptically at me first then at the note that lay on the counter.

The brownies smelled delicious, unlike my disgusting ones that everyone made fun of.

My green eyes travelled along the kitchen counter before they settled on a small piece of paper with some writing on it.

Find me in the capital before it's too late...

"What do you think it means." I shook my head before trying to think what he had meant. He won't talk to me right now because he blocked off all communication.

"I have no idea but I feel we will find out very soon."

Yes, very soon indeed Yuuichiro......

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