Chapter 6

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"Hey wake up!" Coldness brushed over my skin as someone threw a glass of water on me.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" I screamed up at the purple haired girl who was smiling in triumph at me.

'bitch.' I thought to myself quietly but really wanted to yell it at her and kick her out of my room.

"There was no other way to wake you up. Trust me I tried everything but you wouldn't budge." I honestly bet she didn't even try. In that sick, twisted head of hers, she probably couldn't resist the urge to disturb my sleep.

Evil bitch. I will get my revenge!

"By the way, we have to leave in about an hour so get your ass packing." A loud left past my lips as I threw my pillow at her as she closed my door. Her loud giggling could be heard as she went down the hallway.

My clothes and crap were already laid out, ready for me to pick up and put away. Guess my demon knew I wouldn't be ready.

Small giggles were being heard inside my head as I complained about being up this early in the morning. The sun hasn't even come up and we were already leaving. I want to be awake when I stab those bloodsuckers in the heart.

Once I was done with the packing. I walked out of the doors, taking one last look at my room before walking down the hallway. Hopefully, the mission won't be that long and we'll get this over with quickly so I can sleep.

They said the mission was going to take a few days, but if we don't get the territory then the vampires have a much higher chance to get into our territory.

We can't have that happen or soon the entire human race will be under the enslavement of the vampires.

I walked through the school grounds with my backpack filled with supplies and soon spotted the big group of soldiers that looked about ready to go to battle.

Some looked at me with a glare while others just looked at me with pity. Probably because they think I'm some stupid kid who's going to be the first to die on the battlefield.

They'll all be wrong when they're going to be the first ones to greet me in hell.

"Finally decided to show your face you maggot." Guren slapped me on the shoulder then put his arm my shoulder to lead to my group. The huge pinkette gave me a sharp glare before bringing his gaze back to the others.

'Stupid telephone pole. I will beat his ass later for giving me that glare.'

Guren walked around to all the groups, most likely taking attendance of all the soldiers. He probably wants to make sure nobody decided to wuss out.

If they wanted to wuss out then they shouldn't have joined the demon moon company that specializes in killing vampires and the four horsemen of John.

Once he went through every single one, taking count of all the men he has for battle today he went to the front.

"Today we not only fight for our freedom, but for the freedom of others. If we defeat our main source vampire nobles, we will then have taken back a little more of our city. Soon we will reach our main goal which would be the main capital city. Don't only fight for yourself but for your comrades. Some of you may perish in battle today, but your lives will be avenged by your fellow comrades." Everyone hollered around us as we boarded our selected ships to travel to the city. I quickly boarded my ship and took my seat next to some weird guy. He was fidgeting around a lot while pulling on his sleeves.

I mean everyones nervous right now even though we want the blood of the vampires dripping off our weapons.

'You're a fool. Turn back before you get yourself killed.' My demon whispered to me.

'I'll be fine. They can't get rid of me without a fight.' He sighed before shutting me out completely from him. His giant ball of black fog wouldn't let me past no matter how hard I tried.

Sometimes if I was really bored I attempt to talk to him from beyond the wall but he never answered when that happened. The only thing I know for sure about him is that he has blue eyes and likes to play games by himself. He also likes to go outside.

Found that out pretty quickly after obtaining him in my possession. 

I found my eyes closing on the ship, bringing myself into a dream.

"Why won't you ever talk to me." A quiet silence is what I got in reply to my demon.

"Other demons talk to their people all the time, why don't you?" Loud laughing brought down the giant black fog wall to reveal my demon.

"Because I'm weak right now idiot. I'm warning you right now to stay away from the vampire capital. I won't let you go anywhere near that place alright. Forget about the message I wrote." Does this boy not like the vampire capital that much. Maybe he became a vampire then became a demon.

That's how we obtain demons in the moon demon company. I know it sounds cruel but them again the vampires do think of us as animals rather than people.

"I will go to the capital to avenge my family's deaths. They need justice, especially Mika. He risked his life for me to live now it's my turn to fo the same."

"HE DESERVED TO DIE FOR WHAT HE DID. HE WAS AN IDIOT. DON'T YOU BE THE SAME." With that, a dark force brought me back into the real world where I was on the plane, getting ready to fight the vampires.

I looked around the plane in a daze like a state.

"We are closing in on the city. Prepare for landing." The guy beside me started to shake more as our plane neared the grass floor. I gave him a reassuring smile which earned me one back.

We all left the plane to regroup with our groups. Guren went around to every group, handing them a small box then whispering them some information about it.

Finally, after going around to a couple other groups with the same process, he came to ours. He didn't hand us the box, probably a good idea since I might do something stupid.

"These pills are called cure stimulation pills they will enhance your synchronization with your demon. Don't take more than one of these or they could cause serious harm to your body, possibly kill you. Only take these pills if you are in a dangerous situation. Last thing they only last for about 15 minutes so keep track of time because they will wear you down after the time goes out." We all nodded, understanding the effects of the pills and what to do with them.

"Alright now don't be idiots and head out towards this area. There are two vampire nobles that need to be eliminated. Don't take on two noble by yourself because you won't be able to handle them." He pointed to the garden area on the map before moving to a different group to do the same thing. The old recruits who knew what to do left as soon as they got off of the plane.

Guess Guren already gave them orders on what they were supposed to do before we left the base.

"Let's head out group. I want to be back by sometime this week." Shinoa announced to the group as we took off down the road. To be honest it will take about 2 hours of running/walking to the garden he pointed out.

We all nodded setting out towards the destination.

'You know its never too late to turn back.' I shook my head at his statement. Why is he being so stubborn in all this?

'I'm not turning back. Just go back to ignoring me like you usually do.' He shut up real quick after my statement.

'I'm sorry I didn't mean it.' He stayed completely silent. No moving or breathing could be heard, just the silence of looking at the fog that got even darker.

"Hey! Hyakuya keep up. Don't be slacking on us when we're in battle." The leader of our group called, earning a snicker from the pink haired guy next to me. He gave me the look and something inside me wanted to snap and beat his ass.

The city was in complete ruins. There was moss breaking the walls and bricks in half. There were car flipped over from all the accidents that day. There were even some blood spots stained into the concrete.

It was a sad sight to see what the apocolypse did to our city and even to our world.

Maybe someday we will get it back.

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