Chapter 5

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My parents were so annoying.

Not only did they insist that they stayed the night, but now they were meddling with my love life.

The second I had introduced Tom to my mother I knew it was a mistake. I should have guessed what her reaction was going to be.

The moment he left our dorm, Mum was practically buzzing with excitement.

"Oh our baby girl has a boyfriend. Did you know that Greg? She has a boyfriend!" She bellowed.

I sat on my couch, completely mortified. Thank god Tom was out of ear shot. It took me 20 minutes to explain to her that we were just friends, and I didn't in fact have a boyfriend. But even by the end of it she still looked suspicious.

It was nice though, seeing them. I only realised how much I had missed them when I saw them again. I wished I was more like my mother. Aside from being beautiful, with her long brown hair and rich chocolate eyes, she was so confident and charismatic.

My father was the complete opposite. Dad was gentle and shy and very rarely raised his voice abover a loud whisper. For some reason that made them the perfect couple.

Mum told me about how the rest of the family was going. 

Cara was having a fantastic time in New York, she was in the third year of her law degree. Mum said that she had a new boyfriend, with the look that said "like you". Nina was making heaps of great friends at her new school. She had to move towns with my parents, as she was the only daughter left in the house at the moment.

Issac, my little brother, was finding it more difficult to fit in. He was more like me than my sisters. I think that is why got on the best, we were both so awkward around people our own age.

I was glad that everyone was doing well, but it kind of stung that my absence was hardly noticed. The thing that missed me the most was the family dog, Bailey.

He was large red golden retriever and I had always been his favourite, probably because I was the only one that fed and walked him. Whenever I was at home, Bailey became my shadow, following me everywhere, and I mean everywhere, even the bathroom.

I kissed Mum and Dad goodbye, slightly relieved they were leaving. At one stage in their visit Mum had even contemplated coming here to study. I had shut down that idea immediately. Way to embarrassing!

"Love you baby, remember to call us whenever you want." Mum carried on, getting teary eyed.

"Mum please, I have been here for like 2 months now, you have to get over it." I replied in a serious tone, but internally glad that they still missed me.

Dad bent down and gave me a tight hug, not saying anything, but I could tell he missed having another quiet person in the house.

2 minutes after I had ushered them to their car, I heard a knock at the door. Seriously! I angrily flung the door open, suddenly surprised to see Tom's handsome face beaming down at me.

"Oh sorry, I thought you were my parents." I said in an tired tone.

"Hey there sexy." he said with a wink. "Wait, it's only 9am, why do you sound so tired." Tom asked, concerned. It was sweet of him to notice.

"I finally got my parents out of the door, after a night of what felt like an interrogation." I replied, physically and mentally tired.

"Oh so I guess you aren't coming on the beach trip then." Tom said disappointed, looking down at his feet.

The look in those sapphire eyes was so heart breaking, who was I to make him feel this way? Even though I had totally forgotten about it.

"No, of course I am still coming." I stated, trying to make myself sound upbeat.

His curly brown hair swished about as he strode happily into my room. Tom sat himself down on the couch, and just watched me.

"Tom I haven't even started packing yet, you are going to be here for a while." I warned him, but silently glad to have him here. It would really only take me 5 minutes.

Once I had finished gathering the essential things I needed for the beach, I had to make a huge decision. What swimmers do I wear?

I turned to Tom, he was quite fashionable, and I valued his opinion. Holding up the black speedo's, I watched the expression of horror cross his handsome features.

I giggled, next revealing a tiny black bikinni that I had had since I was 10. I knew it probably wouldn't fit me but I wanted to watch Tom's reaction. 

His eyes practically pooped out of their sockets as he saw the tiny black triangles. He frantically nodded his head, sending me into another set of giggles. He immediately caught on that I had been messing with him and looked slightly embarrassed but covered it with a smile.

"Do you want me to come over there and tickle you Lee." He smirked. I instantly shut up, but still smiled at the little nickname he had given me.

"Tom, can you get out I need to get changed." He didn't move an inch.

"Nah, I am fine just where I am." He replied flirtatiously.

"Fine then suit yourself."

I surprised both him and myself by slowly starting to unzip my short. His dark eyebrows shot to the roof and he launched himself out of the chair and out of the door.

I had definitely changed. Never before would I have had the nerve to undress in front of a boy, let alone one as freakishly good looking as Thomas.

Exactly 5 minutes later I appeared outside, wearing a loose, white beach dress over my frilly red bikini. He gave me a very indiscreet once over, before reluctantly meeting my bemused gaze. 

As we walked down the hall Tom, carrying the bag of course, took my hand in his large one. It didn't even surprise me. Recently he had taken to holding my hand whenever we were together. I warned him that it would scare of other girls, but he had just shrugged.

I was excited for the beach in my own perverted way. I coudn't wait to see Tom and the rest of the boys, but mainly Tom, without their shirts on, coming out of the ocean soaking wet and gorgeous.

I could feel the blush rising up my neck, and I again hated that tell tale sign that I was embarrassed. Tom stared at me, confusedly, but thankfully didn't ask about it. It was going to be hard seeing him half naked.

I couldn't even control myself just thinking about it.

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