Chapter 4

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We all sat on the lawn.

It was a bright, warm day and Julia had dragged me out of our dorm to get some sunlight. Even I had to admit, I was getting sickly pale from all the studying indoors.

We had decided to invite the others and have a little picnic out on the large square lawn in the middle of the U shaped dormitory building. I laid out the red tartan blanket and got myself comfortable, waiting for the rest of the group to arrive. I might as well try and sneak in a little sleep while I could.

But before I knew it a shadow passed across my face. I opened my eyes to see Tom's face looming over me, with a mischievious expression on it, not 10 centimetres from my nose. 

It was such shock that I screamed and flung out my hand at the same time. Unfortunately for me it connected with his face, sending him sprawling backwards onto the lawn.

Simon stood behind Tom and instantly collapsed into a fit of laughter at the sight of his friend on the ground, as did the rest of the group. Even though it was quite funny, I was unable to laugh as I was still getting my breath back from the sudden shock.

Tom slowly stood up, clutching his face as he did. I couldn't help it but the expression on his face was so hilarious it made even me laugh. His eyes narrowed at that and I instantly regretted it.

He slowly stalked towards me with a knowing glint in his eye. It suddenly dawned on me what he was going to do.

"Tom, calm down, it was an accident." I tried to persuade him, but he still walked towards me.

"Nope, you're not getting away with it that easy." He said evilly.

And before I knew it, he leaped on top of me and was ferociously tickling my stomach. I screamed and laughed, thrashing about on the lawn, probably looking like a crazy person.

The tickling finally ceased and I layed back on the blanket, exhausted and gasping for air. Tom sat beside me, silently chuckling at my freak out.

It had definitely been a mistake telling him about my hatred of being tickled.

I glared at his smug expression, hoping he thought I was actually angry at him. Our relationship was so different from the way it was a few weeks ago.

After the movie night, we had been seeing each other daily. The desire to kiss him on his perfect face never really faded but I have a feeling that's what it was like for everyone.

We had started to get really close, and this was a new experience for me. I didn't have any guy friends in high school, probably because they avoided me at all costs. But I was actually comfortable with him around now, and it was a nice feeling.

Tom reached forward and tucked a wayward curl behind my ear, instantly removing the frown from my face. I grabbed his hand in mine and then gently rested my head on his chest as he layed down beside me.

Once the rest of the group had joined us and everyone was seated, we dug into the food that everyone had brought. 

Every now and then Tom would eat food out of my hand or tell me to try something he had eaten. It was funny watching him trying to get my attention, he was as needy as a puppy. I felt Anna's eyes on us before she spoke.

"You guys are so cute together! Imagine them as a couple?" She asked the rest of the group.

I smiled shyly and lowered my eyes whilst in my head thinking, "Bitch, I'm working on it." Not that that would change anything. After the first few weird comments, Tom had gone back to normal and basically told me that he was a bit of a player and didn't want to go out, but in much fewer words. 

I had caught on quickly, not that I minded having him as just a friend. That's why his next comment was such a surprise.

"I could be so lucky." He stated, smiling up at me.

From his expression I had no idea if he was joking or not, so I decided to just let it slide.

For the rest of the afternoon Tom was constantly fiddling with my hair or holding my hands up for inspection. Every once in awhile he would make a random observation but for the most part he was quiet.

As the sky turned a dusty pink, we packed our stuff and decided to head back upstairs. Sophie and Jason headed off by themselves, probably wanting some couple time. They had been going out for some weeks now and were still in the honeymoon stage of their relationship.

Tom and I walked slowly, with one arm around each others waists, behind the rest of the group.

"We should go to the beach." Tom stated excitedly.

"Oh my God yes, that is such a good idea! Me and the girls were just talking about that before."

" yeah I guess going with the group could be fun." He replied, much less excited now.

I didn't understand why he would have such a sudden change in attitudes.

"Oh wait, this Saturday my parents are coming to visit, so we will have to go Sunday." The second I said the 'p' word Tom instantly stiffened and slowed down.

I had started to realise that in all the times we talked, Tom never once spoke about his family. I decided not to pry, he was probably avoiding the subject for a reason.

We made our way back up to the dorms, a few minutes after everyone else so the hallway was empty. Tom placed a sweet, little, lingering kiss on my cheek as I said goodbye, before turning and walking down the hall towards his own room.

I had to go tell Julia about our beach plans. She would be exuberant as she was still desperately trying to get into Liam's pants. God imagine their baby's hair!

That is when I realised that I hadn't packed one pair of nice swimmers and Julia would slap me if I showed up in my black, speedo one-piece.

Great, another excuse for the girls to go shopping.

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