Chapter 3

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I had done it!

I had completed the first week of college with minimal embarrassing moments.

I was actually happy, which is quite strange for me. I had some nice new friends, Sophie, Julia and another girl called Anna.

We had all meet up for coffee one morning and everyone had really hit it off. Anna was in Julia's modern art class and Sophie wanted to meet new people.

Even though I had only had 4 lessons, I already feel like I was swamped with work. Everyone said that college was much easier than high school, but not if you are taking an advanced english class.

Tonight was Saturday night and we were having a movie night. But not a fun, girls movie night, one were guys were coming and you had to look nice.

Julia had already met half the guys on campus but thankfully had only invited four. At least there was going to be an even guy to girl ratio.

Julia had hinted that one of Thomas' friends were coming and he said that Thomas himself might show up. I wanted to shove my head under a pillow and avoid this whole night.

The girls got the strange thought in their heads that I wanted to go out with Thomas. Don't get me wrong, that would be a dream come true, but I had to be realistic. Thomas would never go for someone like me so it was best if I didn't get my hopes up.

Even though we were supposed to be dressed in our comfy casuals, Julia and Anna were putting on make-up.

They had been begging me all night to let them do me but I had stood my ground. Yet eventually I had caved, still, only allowing them to do very natural make-up.

I had very plain, dark brown eyes that I always wished were blue or really anything other than brown. But the mascara that Anna strategically applied, made them stand out and made my tanned skin look even darker.

By the end of the make-up session I was very happy with the end product, even though I was slightly scared to touch or ruin my face.

But that happiness was immediately extinguished when we heard a light knock at the door.

I wasn't great at communicating with girls, but with boys it was a completely different story. I never knew what to say so I ended up stuttering and choking, and in one situation I was actually choking and coughed a mouthful of soup into his lap.

My heart began to pound in my chest and palms became slick with sweat. Sophie winked at me before pulling open the door.

I sighed with relief because I couldn't see Thomas. Maybe he hadn't come? But then he rounded the corner with a jaw-dropping smile on his lips and I nearly passed out.

As they all greeted us, I quickly said hi and went into the tiny kitchen. I started to prepare the popcorn to avoid interacting with the others.

I had meet 3 of the 4 boys before. Liam was tall and athletic looking, with awesome red hair. Jason was thin but still muscly with a permanent grin on his face and straight blond hair.The one I hadn't met before was Simon, who was shortish with olive skin and dark hair.

Of course me going to the kitchen caught Thomas' attention and he came over to help me. After I assured him that I was fine he went and joined the rest of the group, eyes still on me though.

Once we had the movie sorted out, we all settled on the couch and on the floor. No surprise who I was sitting next too. I bet Sophie had purposely done this to force us together.

I sat as far away from him as possible, without making it obvious. The movie that the boys had brought was Chain Saw Massacre 2. I hated scary movies. They always gave me nightmares, so this was not a good movie for me to watch with other people around.

About half way through it became ridiculously terrifying and I had to resist the urge to put a pillow over my face. Thomas turned to face me with a grimace on his face that probably matched mine.

Suddenly he threw a blanket over both of our heads and moved in towards me. My breath caught in my throat as he face was only 10cm away from mine.

"Holy crap, this is the scariest movie I have ever seen!" He whispered.

"Are you kidding me, I want to scream every two minutes." I replied, surprised at how easy it was to talk to him.

"Hey, I have wet myself like 4 times now."

As I whisper laughed, a scream was heard on the television. We jumped closer together, still under the blanket, and I instinctively grabbed his hand.

I suddenly realised what I was doing and pried my hand from his, conscious of its sweatiness.

"Hold up, I have an idea!" He whispered with a cheeky grin.And with that he threw off the blanket and jumped to his feet.

"Sorry guys I just realised that I haven't finished this writing thingo that we have to do for class."

The group groan but accepted that he had to go. I widened my eyes at him, begging him to take me with him.

"Oh and I need Leona's help too."

I heard Julia argue but I was already up and half way towards the door.

"Oh damn, and I was really enjoying this movie too. Well see you guys later!" I said innocently.

Even though I was desperate to get out of there, it still didn't evade my notice that Sophie and Jason were sneakily holding hands under the covers. Wow, she was fast!

We made our way down the hall, not really going anywhere in particular.

"So do you have a boyfriend." Thomas asked shamelessly.

"Wooh, that wasn't beating around the bushes at all Thomas." I replied, shocked at his openness.

"God, please call me Tom. Well, you didn't actually answer my question."

"No, no I don't have a boyfriend right now."

"Oh, now that is surprising!" Tom said earnestly.

I raised one eyebrow, but kept walking.What the hell did that mean?

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