Chapter 2

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I pushed the oak doors forward and walked inside.

It was the moment I was dreading. The first time I walked into my new class.

I was forced to sit in a seat in the second row as the rest were taken, or next to someone I wasn't ready to talk to yet. This was way to close to the front for my liking.

I was sitting next to a tiny girl who looked too young to be in this class. I spread out my books on the desk and got comfortable.

"Hi, I'm Sophie!" Said a chipper voice beside me.

I turned to see the little girl facing me. She had spiky black hair, sharp features and up close actually looked very mature.

"Hey, I'm Leona." I replied, staring into her bright, aqua blue eyes.

"Wow that is such a beautiful name."

"Oh thanks, I like Sophie too."

"Are you kidding me, it sounds like a Labradors name."

I laughed, thinking I might like this girl and instantly relaxed slightly. That was until the doors banged open and I turned to see who was making the commotion.

You have got to be kidding me!

What guy takes an English Literature class? Well obviously this devilishly handsome one does. I quickly turned back around, hoping he hadn't noticed me.

I saw Sophie staring at me, probably because I was cringing into my seat.

"Whatcha doing down there?"

"Um well do you see that guy that just walked through the doors?"

"Um Sexy Mchandsomeville over there, yeah who didn't see him?"

"Well I have kind of already met him." I lowered my voice to a whisper.

"Wait don't tell me you have already nailed him!"

"What? NO no definitely not!"

And then I proceeded to tell her the rest of the story. By the end of it she was practically in tears. I smacked her arm, annoyed that my misery was entertaining her.

"It's not funny!"

"Yeah, it really is."

The rest of the lesson was quite uneventful, but whenever I heard him talking, I would hold my breath and stiffen.

That was until, after our professor, Mrs Clacker who was over 80 years old, set us some work. I was half way through the exercise when my phone started to vibrate in my pocket.

It shocked me and made me jump in my seat, but thankfully no one really noticed. Thank the Lord I had remembered to put my texts on vibrate.

I relaxed again until I suddenly remembered that even though my texts were silent, my calls weren't. But it was too late!

Move bitch, get out the way

Get, get out the way.

Get, get out the way.

I said move bitch, get out the way.

Get, get out the way.

My little sister, Nina, had set my ring tone to the Ludacris song as a joke and I had forgotten to change it back!

The whole class started to giggle and laugh. But unfortunately it didn't stop playing. It went on and on and on. Finally Mrs Clacker realised what was going on, give her a break, she probably has a hearing aid.

"Whoevers phone that is, turn it off now."

But it had been playing for too long now, if I turned it off it would be too embarrassing. I hoped it would just turn off soon. But no luck, it kept playing for another 20 seconds.

"If you don't confess to who's phone that is everyone in the class will get a detention!"

WHAT? We were in college now you can't give us detentions. But from the groans and angry mumbles heard throughout the class, I guess she could.

I saw Sophie sneak a peek in my direction. She obviously knew where the inappropriate song was coming from.

"Um sorry Miss it is my phone!"

I spun around to see who had just owned up to a crime they didn't commit. You'll never guess who it was.

"Oh um Thomas that is okay, just turn it on silent next time."

What? He got away with it. God it seems even our ancient professor was in love with him. Fortunately when everyone turned to see him, it was the perfect opportunity to turn off my phone with nobody noticing.

I was completely confused as to why he would say it was his phone. I guess he was just crazy and probably thought it was his phone, that seems to be the only legitimate explanation.

Once class concluded and everyone filled out of the lecture room, I ran to catch up to Thomas. I tapped him on his perfectly defined shoulder.

"Um hi again! Why did you do that back there?"

"Oh haha well I thought I kinda owed you after storming into your room yesterday."

That made sense, but wait!

"How did you know it was my phone anyway?"

"Well you practically turned into a statue when it started ringing."

"Oh woops!" Had I been that obvious? "I'm Leona by the way. I don't think I told you that last time."

"Aha! No you didn't. Well, beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl."

I felt myself melt into a puddle at his feet. Did he just have a notebook of those lines at home?

I turned around after saying goodbye, feeling pretty darn good about myself. One of his comments had made me think. If he had seen me freeze then that means he was looking at me.

Wooh, lets not get too ahead of my self.

Well at least now he didn't think I was a complete freak.

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