The Hero Akari looked up to

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(This is an Akari focused Episode! Be sure to like it)

[Akari's POV]

As I left the group, I went back to the Camp I set up myself, and I have been thinking about.......what things Talon has said to me.

(Talon) - ("Both of you need Party members, Fast! The Second Wave is almost upon us and......I don't want you all to die." - "We're like......ever heard of the anime called Sword Art Online? We're like characters in that death game. I could've died if you two didn't step in to save me.")

(Me) - He is right.....I'll die if I ever think of fighting the Waves......alone. For a guy with a party of two, He is pretty high leveled. Being Level 75 is no joke.

I'm already level 67 but.....for him, It is not good enough he said. Sure I went Solo because......I already had a traumatizing experience here, Now looking it, It make ms me filled with hate for this country like Naofumi and Talon. Miyu is someone who will be okay, and I'll pray that she'll live, What Talon said.....really scares me.

The Next Day, I woke up and took on the Bandit Wolf gang Mission. Outside of the assignment, I took down all of the grunts and left the Leader spared.
(Gang Leader) - Please! Don't hurt me!
(Me) - Tell me Why I should spare you?
(Gang Leader) - I have a family to take care off and I don't get the Caretaker's money.....My siblings will die.

I can see the deep regret in her eyes, plus I let my whip attach to the back of outfit, and gives her a hand.

(Me) - Okay, Take me to where this Care taker of your children are. I have a few words to speak with them.
(Gang Leader) - Okay.....

I saw her about to cry, hoping that her children are alright. I stopped by the food stand and bought a ton of food, plus her stomach growled in hunger. I can see that she looked malnourished. I hope with some food, She'll gain her body back.
(Me) - So, You get help from the Gang you lead to get food for the right reasons, being that your family is not in the good condition.
(Gang Leader) - Yes, My Pack and I always have each other's backs if either of us get killed, but since you beat us so easily, I want to see how strong you are, For the battle against the Care Taker.
(Me) - I see, I'll definitely teach this guy a lesson for you.
(Gang Leader) - Really?!
(Me) - Only! If you help me take care of the Care Taker, I'll grant you an offer you cannot refuse.
(Gang Leader) - I'll do anything to save my family, So Let's go.

I think to myself "What would Talon or Miyu do"? Well....... I've came up with nothing.
(Me) - What's your name, Gang leader?
(Gang Leader) - I'm Luna.
(Me) - Luna Huh, I'm Akari.
(Luna) - Good to get to know each other, but I think I'm gonna get myself killed.
(Me) - Why is that?
(Luna) - Every time I make friends with someone, they always made a sacrifice for me, costing them their lives, and.....I distanced myself away from making friends because of this.
(Me) - *Put my hand on her shoulder* You're not the only one who lost someone. I lost someone who saw me as a ally, or even a friend.
(Luna) - What happened to that person?!
(Me) - *tears up* The Spear Hero killed him a duel.
(Luna) - What?! But he is a Legendary Hero! He cannot do that!
(Me) - Plus, There was interference in the match. The Mythic Boomerang Hero.....has lost his match, costing his life.
(Luna) - That is terrible! These Legendary Heroes are fakes! I requested so many times to help me and my family not be killed but.....They never came.
(Me) - But I did. They don't take Missions from Demi Humans. That is their policy I guess.
(Luna) - That is-
(Me) - A Load of Bull, I know. I asked the other two and they don't seem to care. Since I am here, I'll save your family.
(Luna) - You will?! *tail wags*
(Me) - Yeah, Why not. I got- Oh crap.......I forgot I don't have a party.
(Luna) - Oh? Wait? Are you doing this mission because you're recruiting new allies?! That is pitiful if you as me.
(Me) - The Boomerang Hero taught me something! It is best to not die and protect the people you care about. Unlike the other heroes, I don't care about money since the King refuses to pay a good looking girl like me. I make less money with me being alone, plus.....The Boomerang Hero's death was because he protected his party and I wanna make a party to protect his! Plus I might die like he did.

I began to walk off, and Luna came as soon as I was calling for her. We made it to her house which was a ravaged old home with lots of broken windows. I heard whimpering? And OH MY GOD! These are the cutest kids I've ever seen! They so much better then- NO! They're better then puppies because they're so damn cute! Even when they're naked, still adorable.
(Luna) - Okay little ones, Time to-

I saw her get stabbed in the back by one of the kiddos and I thought they were cute!
(Beard Man) - Hehehehehehahahahaha! Looks like my little slaves are doing good killing their older sister.
(Luna) - I told you this happens to me.
(Me) - *takes out a healing potion* I'm not letting you die on me! These kids are your family, Get through to them and I'll kill the Bearded Man!

I charged Straight for him and I was but smarted? He grabbed my whip before I attacked him, he then ties me up, with my own weapon.

(Beard Man) - Ah! A Hot human girl. You look like you would do....for a bride.
(Me) - Aaaaahhhh! Luna! Get up and help me!
(Luna) - *Does so* Okay! I snapped all my brother's out anyway.

Luna then knocks the Bearded Man unconscious in a single strike to his stomach plus it paralyzed him. My whip unwrapped me and Luna caught me.
(Luna) - So, You wanted a Party Member Right?
(Me) - Yeah, I always did.
(Luna) - I'll be the one for you. You and I can work well together if we try!

Both me and Luna gave it to the Bearded Man, plus we beat him up until he was unconscious. The Royal Guards took him away.

(Knight) - You did good bringing in this Criminal. Though through your previous actions in the Capital, We're taking you in too.
(Luna) - No you're not! She is a better Hero then the fake who killed the Boomerang Hero!
(Knight) - Shut it bitch.

I cannot believe I just watched him slap her in the face. I then use the Mythic Chain against him and ripped his arm off in anger. He then died of blood loss.

(Luna) - Why dud you do that?
(Me) - We're friends remember. We'll always have each other's backs.
(Luna) - Yeah, Let's get out of- Wait?!

We went to check on her younger brothers but they're....dead?! I see strings.....Magic Strings?!

(Me) - Luna, I hate to say this but.....You're their puppet. He used you to get everything he wanted.
(Luna) - That Son of a Bitch.....
(Me) - I know. You hate being used huh.
(Luna) - Akari, I'll join your party.
(Me) - Whoa?! Where did that- *gets hugged by her*....come from?
(Luna) - *Whimpering* I have no where else to go, Plus you cannot stay here. We gotta survive, Together.
(Me) - Yeah, Did I forget to tell you that the Boomerang Hero survived his own death?
(Luna) - He did?! Man! Now I really want to meet him or her! As long as We're together, We'll be on the side of Justice.

And So! Me and Luna set off for our adventure. It will be Full of trial and hardship but someday......We'll understand one another.

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