Ties to Home

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(Note: This Chapter and the next one are being taken at the same time! Also Released at the same time. Showcasing flaws in their lonely sides. This one will focus on Talon, The Next one is gonna be about Sue.)

(Talon's POV)

After I left her at the Party, I was crying, not knowing what they're coming from. I feel like I did the right thing but.....Why do I feel so guilty?!

There was a Cave nearby and I took shelter in it. I started a fire with a Tiny spell I casted, and.....The Flames reminded me in the past.....of how I was so rebellious against my parents. I remembered the Burning building I saw in the News back in my World and someone I knew plus a friend she always told me about......have died. I was about to drop out of school since my first crush and potential lover died because of the Fire, though.......These flames are reminding me of.......I lost my special someone that I was never gonna probably get in or after High school.

The Next Day, I woke up to see the Sunrise, and It felt.....not so refreshing because.......something was still hurting me deep inside.

(Mythic Boomerang) - So, Feeling Guilty about what you have done?
(Me) - Mythic Boomerang?! Why are you speaking to me again?!
(Mythic Boomerang) - I sense that You feel
Guilty and responsible for leaving such a Gorgeous girl behind.
(Me) - No I don't! I like Sue but she was like a Sister I never had......and......Seeing her with the Man of her dreams by now. She is probably gonna get pregnant by him for all I care. She can do what ever she wants.
(Mythic Boomerang) - Okay, Here is where it Gets personal. I had another user, like you human. But she betrayed me for some group of men like a Whore. It was improper for a Hero to use her fame to Get laid.
(Me) - What did you do?
(Mythic Boomerang) - I requested a New Master. One who won't betray me like you just did.
(Me) - Wait?! I betrayed you?! How?
(Mythic Boomerang) - For not being honest with your identity! You have to go back and make up for what you did.
(Me) - Why? She was happy being back home that she doesn't want to be with me anymore. She and Her can make all the babies in the world to refill her population for all I care.- Wait? Why do I feel this way? I wanted her to be my companion but also.....more then that.
(Mythic Boomerang) - More then that?
(Me) - Like, I saw her as like a Sister figure but.....She looked way to beautiful to be one, like......Someone I used to know.
(Mythic Boomerang) - and That Someone was Shouko Hida from your world. Right?

(Shouko from Happy Sugar Life)

I was shocked and the memories of before she went missing all flooded back into my head! And I remembered I

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I was shocked and the memories of before she went missing all flooded back into my head! And I remembered I.......did this once before.


Me: Shouko!
Shouko: Oh, Talon. What's up?
Me: Shouko.....I.....I known you since The First Year in Jr. High, and I always thought you're beautiful.
Shouko: Thanks but-
Me: I also in that Time! I grew feelings towards you!
Shouko: What? You did?
Me: Yes, I did. Shouko, *Bows and extends arm out with an open hand* Would you like to go out with me?
Shouko: *Shocked* I'm sorry, but......You're not really my type. I mean I love older guys.
Me: *Heartbreak* You Slutty Whore of a Student.......
Shouko: Ugh! Rude.
Me: It's the Truth! If you cannot handle it then Stop This Fetish of your's that all American High School Girls do!
Shouko: So what! I rejected you because I don't have feelings towards you at all.
Me: Then It is Your fault! You love being taken advantage of, DO YOU! Fine! Get Impregnated by an older man and become a Teen mom for all I care! Every Damn bloody day, I always wanted to ask you out but This......*pants heavily in Anger* I REGRET EVER FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU!
Shouko: *Still didn't Realize what she did wrong*
Me: *Cries* I regret my own feelings towards you. If the type of love you want is not from me, Then it is best for us not to be lovers! Or Let alone friends at this point.
Shouko: Wait! I wouldn't mind you being my friend-

-Flashback Cut-

I was tearing up, knowing what I said was wrong.......and.....This feeling.....is now what I know.

(Woman's Voice) - Go back.
(Me) - Huh?! *gets up*

I heard that voice again. It was suave and.....kinda weird, Because the tome of it is what I remember, but How should I explain it?! I never seen this person or known what She would look like. Maybe......I heard her voice before.

We both hear a Roar like sound and it came all the way fro Silt Welt.
(Me) - That was Zechs's Roar.
(Mythic Boomerang) - Shall We get going?
(Me) - Yeah......But......
(Mythic Boomerang) - What is it?
(Me) - I know that Sue has feelings towards me now, but......What do I say to her?
(Mythic Boomerang) - Just say whatever you held in your heart. Apologize to her and she'll forgive you, then say you love her.
(Me) - Okay, I guess.....That will work. But it is so Cliché.
(Mythic Boomerang) - Doing the right thing takes courage and effort, the bad things don't. You caused her a heartbreak that won't recover easily, but only you can fix it.

I noticed then I smelt like her scent, and found something that was weird. I know we hugged a bunch of times but A strand of her fur or hair was on my armor this entire time?! I never noticed it until now.

(Mythic Boomerang) - I see, This will work.
(Me) - Maybe.....it will be my disguise.

I put that strand of her hair or fur into the jewel of the Mythic Boomerang and it gave my a skill upon my other ones, and that was.....

(Me) - The Byakko-Rang? Wind attribute amd cam be used with Fire attacks. Used for taming Hakuko and Tiger like races. Bonus: Adds Hakuko body features! That sounds perfect!
(Mythic Boomerang) - Shall we Use it?
(Me) - Yes! I definitely know what I'm gonna surprise her with.

I then chant "Come forth: Byakko-Rang!" And was feeling the instincts of a Tiger running through me and it felt unstable, plus my Jealousy got in the way as it merged with my Curse Series, and it made my Full body into a Hakuko's, I'm like a Were-tiger from Hindu myths I heard so much about.

I roared and ran out of that cabe like a beast! Don't worry Sue, I'm coming to be the Hero you love me as.

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