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(I'm skipping the First wave because it is literally a Two week time span. Plus I'm trying to develop the characters a bit and Talon has some personal business that will have to deal with this Episode.)

It has been a day since the First Wave was Cleared, I went to the Castle since me and Sue fought together! I was preventing more Monsters from entering the Village of Lute. I think I am about to receive my first pay. I'm so excited!

(Me) - Hey King-
(King) - Talon.....A word.
(Me) - (I don't like where this is going. He'll probably lecture me like my dad has in the past.)
(King) - My Daughter saw you with a Demi Human, and She told me you're enslaving her to do your bidding.
(Me) - What?! I would never do that! I-
(King) - No more Excuses! If you weren't the Boomerang Hero, I would have you executed Immediately!
(Me) - What?! At least let me prove that I am innocent! That is what a Fair Trail is!
(King) - What is fair?! Having a Demi Human as your slave?! Or Being Someone who steals Tools and goods from People?!
(Me) - I didn't do anything!- *gets chained up* What the hell?!
(King) - Ugh, I never thought you would not be like a bad example but you ended up like the Shield Hero! Bring her In!

They restrained me down because they brought in Sue, and she was chained up like an animal, I know I am innocent! But The King is just believing whatever he hears. Stubborn Old Man.

(Knight) - What shall we do?
(King) - Get the Pope to remove her Slave Crest, and find her Slave Crest.

The Knights split up and I was still being strained back, I watched in horror as Sue was getting whipped like an animal just to find the slave crest that I have gotten rid of before.
(Sue) - Let me Go!- *gets whipped on the ass* OW!
(Me) - Stop it! This is Cruelty! She never was- *gets Whipped too* OOWW!
(Sue) - Talon!- *Again, Whipped, but on her breast* *cries in Pain*

I watched in horror and anger as I just couldn't being myself to protect Sue, Someone who was my first friend of this world. Like I tried to save my Crush, I couldn't save someone I love. My Dad was lost by a Heart attack and my Mother was the same. I am going through a Panic attack as I cannot save those who are precious to me.....Like......Is this My Curse?! Always Losing the people I care about?! Someone began speaking to me in my head and my Mythic Boomerang was glowing.

(Mythic Boomerang) - My Chosen One, I shall grant you thy power if you need it.
(Me) - I do.....Mythic Boomerang! I want your power! To save those I love! Please! Lend me your power.
(Mythic Boomerang) - This is a Power they all shall Behold while my Full glory! Curse Series: Wrath of the Death-a-Rang!

My skill Tree turned red and began to stick onto me like leech, it hurts as my heart is right now just watching Sue suffer like this. This is something I never wanted!

(Sue's POV)

As I was getting whipped, I felt a strange Aura coming from......Talon?! Like he was surrounded by flames, and his aura began to turn dark and it looks
Like......He was becoming something- No! Someone else.

(Mythic Boomerang) - Curse Series: Wrath-a-rang.
(Knight) - Uh Sir......Something is wrong with the Boomerang Hero.
(King) - He is just going through a Tantrum like all kids do.
(Sue) - How can you be so calm?!- *whipped in the face* OW! *begins to shed tears*
(King) - Silence you Filthy Ass Demi-Human! You Don't ever Speak to Me! EVER!

He roared at me and I was scared of being whipped more, My clothes are being ripped off and my breasts that are still blooming are showing, I want Talon to see them but not like this. I began to cry louder then I never had before, I just hope somebody or anybody heard me saying "I need Help! Please Help Me!" That will definitely work. An Explosion of Dark Aura came from Talon and.....What?! Do I know him?!

(Talon's Curse Series Form)

(King) - What the?- (???) - *Breaks Free* HOW DARE YOU! You made Sue Cry tears from her suffering

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(King) - What the?-
(???) - *Breaks Free* HOW DARE YOU! You made Sue Cry tears from her suffering. *throws the Wrath-a-Rang backwards and frees Sue in the process of killing the Knights that held them back*
(King) - What the hell are you? KNIGHTS! GET HIM!

Spear Dumbo Motoyasu came in and "Saved" the day by taking me away from someone who is Talon, but Talon in that Form moved at the Speed of Dark if that was a thing. Like he was not seen moving! He rescued me! It is Talon.

(Motoyasu) - I don't care who you maybe, but this pretty girl deserves someone better!

He attacked him but his skin was impenetrable, Talon laughed it off as a result.
(Curse Talon) - Is that all you got? I thought you're supposed to save people, *grabs the Spear* Not Let them Down!

He went all out and unleashed a brutal onslaught of attacks! Like I never seen him do martial art fighting like that! Like where did this side of him come from?

(Curse Talon) - Now then, *charges Dark Aura* Let's finish this!
(Myne) - Sir Motoyasu! Run!
(Sue) - Don't run! You deserve it for calling True Love Brainwashing!

(She was referring to the interaction with Naofumi and Raphtalia, as they saw the match, and know that there was cheating involved.)

(King) - Don't you dare-!
(Curse Talon) - Roar of the Dragon: BAHAMUT'S WRATH!!!

He Unleashed a powerful attack by throwing the Wrath-a-Rang, and it coated itself in an Aura of a....Demon Dragon?! It hits Motoyasu and The Bitch the wall! And it went around turned towards the king, and missed him on purpose! Destroying the second throne that probably belonged to a Queen.

(Curse Talon) - That was boring. Not even a Hero can take my attack?! Talk about a lack of defense in this country.
(King) - You.....you Traitor amongst all the Heroes! Leave the Capital! You and your party are banned from this City! LEAVE!

We left without a fuss, as We didn't want to anger him more. After we left the Capital, We took one last stop at Margret's Shop.
(Sue) - Hey Margret.
(Sue) - I got whipped, stripped and Almost given away by the King and his men. Talon Saved me by unleashing something called a Curse Series. This is his condition now.

I threw him onto the floor, and he seemed back to normal. Me and Margret talked it out while he was asleep.

(Margret) - The Curse Series is within all the Weapons created in this world. The Legendary Weapons, Vassal Weapons, and even his Mythic Weapon.
(Sue) - Is there a possible way for him to control this dark power?
(Margret) - Well, He has to think happy thoughts.
Like.....Say that you love him or something.
(Sue) - What?! Whoa....Uh.....I....Uh.....Do like him but Love is a different thing. He told me that He was in love with someone who else.
(Margret) - Okay Then, How about we continue this at another Shop I have open. It is in the Country of Siltvelt. I can use Teleport magic for manage all the shops in no time.
(Sue) - Cool! Can we visit you there?
(Margret) - Of Course you can. I do know the Queen who created the Mythic Weapons in the first place.

Me, Waiting for Talon to wake up. I kept thinking.....Do I....like him? As a Love Interest?

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