Her Boss's Baby - Chapter Nine

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Waiting impatiently at the gate to the jail, Jane paced back and forth, Max walking beside her. "What's taking so long?" She asked the guard standing behind the glass. 

The guard shrugged, and turned away to answer the phone. 

"You might as well sit down," Andrew Chambers said from a chair along the wall, "they'll bring him out when they're good and ready." 

"It's ridiculous that we had to wait for four days for them to figure out where the hell they sent him." Jane said. 

Andrew laughed, "After all the people he got out of jail on those technicalities, it's no wonder they found him at all." 

"They lost his paperwork on purpose, you know that, right?" 

"Yes, Jane, I am perfectly aware of that." 

"Of course, there's no way we can prove that." 


Jane watched as the old attorney leaned heavily on his cane to stand. His body was giving out, but his mind was just as sharp as ever. "At least the bail wasn't a problem." 

"Rain had to shell out a lot of money." 

"He has enough of it." Jane pushed a hand through her already messy hair. She was so frustrated with the progress of the case, she wanted to scream. The past four days had been complete hell, thinking of what he was going through in jail. 

She'd heard the horror stories from clients who had spent time behind bars. With his cushioned life, she couldn't imagine what he was going through. 

The double doors finally opened, a guard led Rain out in handcuffs. Drinking in the sight of him, Jane found he didn't look as though he had just spent four nights in jail. Unlike her, he looked as though he had slept peacefully. 

"You look like you made it through this ordeal well." Andrew commented. 

Rain chuckled, "Free legal advice." Was his only answer. 

"Well," Andrew followed them outside to the large gravel parking lot, "at least we found you. It took some doing." 

"Yes, I'm sure it did." Rain said as they stopped beside a black town car. A driver opened the back door to allow Andrew to climb inside. "Thank you, Andrew. We can discuss my defense on Monday. I believe there is a hearing on Wednesday?" 

Andrew nodded, "Indeed there is. It will be life as usual after that, I am sure. The results of your mothers autopsy will be back by Monday." 

"Good." Rain frowned, "I would like to start planning her funeral." 

"Kind of hard to do without a body." Andrew nodded, "Alright, I will see you at the office on Monday." 

The car drove away. Jane crossed the parking lot where she had parked the Mustang. "They have not released your house yet." She informed him as she unlocked the car. 


She pulled the seat back to let Max jump into the back before turning to him and finding herself engulfed into his arms. She returned his embrace, resting her cheek on his chest. 

He dropped his chin on the top of her head.  "I was worried about you." 

She pulled away to look up at him, "I'm fine. I've kept Max with me. He goes everywhere I go. We're becoming good friends." 

"The stalker?" 

"I haven't heard anything. No pictures or anything. Brian has had one of his men outside my apartment every night. He also had several of his guys in the lobby of our office building all day. Just in case. You should have just worried about yourself." 

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