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Assalamualikum, everyone. Hope all you are doing good.

Here is the next chapter of Splitsvilla. We are almost at the end of this book. Only a few chapters are left. Thanks for being there.

I hope you will like the chapter. Next part after 315+ votes.


One by one everyone were done with the task. It's time for result. Parth and Niti were confident that they are gonna win it as all their answers were correct. They were holding each other's hand tightly.

Niti turned towards Parth who was already looking at her. He gave her a bright smile and side hugged her. Niti also wrapped her hands around his waist.

Sunny: It was hell of an amazing task. It showed that how much you have got to know what it partner. Some did really well in the task and some couldn't. We have only one winner for this game.

Nikhil: The couple who have won the task is..............

Sunny: Parth and Niti.

Niti jumped in joy and hugged Parth. Parth too laughed seeing her. He pecked on her head. Then they broke the hug.

Nikhil: They were just amazing. Their compatibility is out of the world. All the questions they answered correctly. Congratulations guys.

PaNi: Thank you.

Sunny: Now the couple who performed the worst is Divya and Varun. They could not answer any of the questions perfectly. I am sorry, guys.

Nikhil: That means today Varun and Divya are leaving us.

Sunny: It was good to have you guys here.

Divya and varun left from there only after meeting all.

Nikhil: Now it's time for the surprise I was talking about. Excited?

PaNi: Yesss.

Sunny: The surprise is you are going to the finale directly.

They clapped in happiness.

Nikhil: You guys don't need to perform in the next task. You are gonna perform directly in the finale.

Parth and Niti were so happy

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Parth and Niti were so happy. They hugged each other tightly. Parth picked Niti up from ground and twirled her making her laugh her heart out. They friends were happy as well for them. They clapped and congratulated them whole heartedly.

Nikhil: Congrats once again Parth and Niti.

PaNi: Thank you, sir.

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