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the action of feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentance.
"a public display of penitence"

He wasn't going to kill Steve. Not yet. They somehow found the time to talk to eachother inbetween all the kissing they did the next morning after waking up naked and tangled in eachothers arms, and decided to meet up again. Once again at Steves house because Tony just didn't want to let him into his own yet. He knew that if he did, he couldn't fight the urge to just, kill the guy. But not without some pain first.

He and some of his victims had sex before they were in his basement. No, it wasn't rape, the other person was completely okay with it, as it always happened before Tony actually did anything to the person he was planning on killing, so they had no idea. And just the fact that he has had sex with a soon-to-be-victim outside of his basement, made him feel a bit odd about wanting to kill the guy.

He was worried he might feel guilty after killing the him, since last night Steve had confessed to him that he felt safe with Tony and asked if he could count on him.

Tony said yes.

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