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treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant.

"Another one."

"Listen, Anthony. I won't give you another drink."

"But come on! Im not even drunk." Tony exclaimed, looking down at his empty whiskey glass. "James." he looked up at the man he had grown to know over the years.

"I told you to just call me Bucky. And you need to drive home after, just get some fries or something." Tony let out a scoff. "If you don't stop drinking, you'll die. I'll get you some fries." Bucky grabbed the empty glass from the counter and walked to the back. Tony glanced around, looking for...nobody, really. Today wasnt a very busy night, but I guess all the murders do creep people out. Nobody wants to be cut into pieces. After about 15 minutes, Bucky returned and gave the man his fries.

"Just imagine if that's what I really wanted." Tony grabbed the plastic tray with a laugh and waved a fry at Bucky after chucking twenty dollars on the counter.

He looked around and spotted a redhead sitting not too far away from him, completely alone and sipping in a beer. He walked over and politely asked to take a seat.

"Yeah, sure. Nobody's coming anyway." Tony sat down and raised an eyebrow. She stretched out her hand. "Wanda Maximoff." Tony took her hand and shook it.

"Anthony Stark."

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