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Prison was exactly like Ethan remembered.

Everyone in here was a piece of shit, the cells are as claustrophobic as ever, guards here are all mean no matter how you treat them, and the air still smells like stale potato chips. The only difference from last time Ethan was here is the amount of guards they have patrolling. They are everywhere now. They must have upped security after Ethan had broken out last time.

He was tossed into his old cell, there is still tally marks on the walls next to the rusty old bed with a secret pack of cigarettes under the mattress. His hidden lighter is under the pillow and even though Ethan feels like absolute shit he can't believe they left his cell completely untouched.

It's like they knew they'd catch him.

They had only caught him because Ethan had let it happen. He deserves to be in here. He is a filthy criminal that sells drugs and kills people for money. He lost count how much blood he has on his hands. He had lost himself in this fucked up world a long time ago, Grayson was the only source of light he's ever had in his life.

But that doesn't matter anymore now that Grayson is dead.

Nothing matters.

Ethan wants to die without Grayson.

He knows he is letting his sister down, and his gang. Without him there everything must be spiraling down hill fast, just like they had last time he had been arrested. Of course Cameron has taken over by now, she had to do that last time Ethan got caught. Ethan cannot help the pinge of guilt he feels thinking about leaving his sister in charge. She has always hated this life.

But Ethan cannot continue like this.

Not without Grayson.

It's not worth it.

He is sitting on the edge of his twin sized bed with his elbows on he's knees and his face in his hands. He hasn't gotten sleep at all since he has gotten here. Everytime he closes his eyes he sees Grayson getting hit by the car. He can still hear his head hitting the pavement.

His heart aches. He feels like crying but the tears had stopped falling a long time ago due to dehydration. His body is slowly shutting down since he is refusing to eat or drink. Food simply will not stay down. What is the point of eating anyway?

He cheated on Grayson. He broke Grayson's heart. He waited to long to run after him and if Grayson didn't die from getting hit by the car, Jack's gang has killed him by now. Ethan has dealt with Jack's gang for years now, he knows how they are.

They are filthy, each and everyone of them. They take innocent people off the streets, rape them, torture them, kill them, all for amusement. Ethan knows he is no angel, but he knows where to draw the line. He can be ruthless, he's killed people with his bare hands, hell, he's killed people with his teeth! But he had his reasons behind it.

Jack's gang kills for fun.

They probably tortured Grayson for killing Jack. They probably all took turns slicing his skin with a knife for being in a relationship with Ethan and watched him bleed out on the ground.

The image of Grayson bleeding out makes Ethan dig his nails into the palm of his hands. He can practically hear Grayson's screams. His heart begins to pound in his rib cage furiously as his hands begin to bleed.

He had told Grayson he'd protect him. He said he would keep him safe. Nausea runs over his body making the hair on his arms stand up. Nobody has ever made Ethan feel like this before. He has had countless of relationships, but he was never happy, he never felt a single thing. He didn't wake up next to them just wanting to stay in bed and cuddle instead of working. He didn't want to spoil and pamper them just because he could. He never cared if he had cheated on them, because he was heartless.

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