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"The Outsiders are throwing a huge ass party tonight, everyones gonna be there." Cameron says, his brown hair is a sticking up every which way as he sits down at the table next to Ethan's sister whose hair is almost equally as messed up. Grayson slides his tongue over the roof of his mouth feeling the silver ball run over it, his new piercing. He is ninety five percent positive that the two Cameron's smashed while they were gone at the piercing shop last night. Ethan must think so to because he is looking at them with questionable eyes.

Ethan's left hand is resting on Grayson's thigh rubbing small circles into his tan skin, his other hand is scooping some soup into his mouth with his spoon. When Grayson first joined the gang, they had never sat down and ate meals together. It made him wonder why the fuck they even had a dining table that was probably more expensive than his college tuition. So he began to cook meals everyday for Ethan and Cameron. Lately Cameron Dallas has been at the house more often, so he'd started joining their family meals.

"Call the boys, we are going." Ethan gruffs out. He slurps up the soup in his spoon making Cameron's nose scrunch up in disgust. "How am I related to you." She gags, making the boy next to her chuckle throwing his head back.

"E, are you sure it's a good idea to be going to a party right now when Jack's gang is hunting you?" Grayson asks, completely ignoring the fact that the two Cameron's are still in the room.

Ethan's green eyes meet Grayson's, they are soft, comforting. "Gray, I'm not going to let those fuckers keep me locked up in my house. Besides they probably won't even be there." He shrugs, taking one last sip of Grayson's homemade potato soup before putting his spoon down in the bowl. Grayson sighs, gripping the warm hand that is still on his thigh. "It's just, last time you went out you came back bleeding out. I can't see you like that again! You scared the shit out of me E." He looks at Ethan through his eye lashes feeling vulnerable talking about this. He just doesn't want to see his boyfriend hurt ever again.

Ethan gives him a soft smile before cupping his cheek and leaning in, pressing their lips together in a chaste kiss. The feeling of Ethan's lips on his own still sends butterflies through his belly, he doesn't think he'll ever get enough of this man in front of him. When they pull apart Ethan leans his forehead on Grayson's, looking right into his warm green eyes. "It'll be fine, baby. I'm not gonna get hurt." He whispers softly, about to lean in for another kiss but Cameron clears his throat interrupting them.

The two look across the table to see that it's just him standing there with a phone in his hand, Cam must have gone into her room to freshen up for the party. "What?" Ethan snaps, his tone harsh. He hates it when people interrupt his time with Grayson. Grayson on the other hand giggles at this, he leans in a presses a small kiss to Ethan's cheek before getting up to clean the mess he made in the kitchen. As he was walking away he felt a hard smack on his ass making him jump in surprise. He doesn't dare turn around, his face is probably red as a tomato knowing Cameron is still just standing there watching. He can practically hear the smirk on Ethan's lips.

"I have some bad news." Cameron slides the phone across the table to his boss, who is glaring down at the device. "One of our shipments didn't make it." Ethan reads the order, it was shrooms. That is one of the most expensive drugs to get at the moment because they have to get them from a different country. "Fuck!" He slams his fist onto the table hard making Grayson flinch from the kitchen.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't afraid of Ethan when he gets pissed. He just wished he knew of a way to calm him down. But when he gets like this, well Grayson doesn't even want to touch him. He is to scared Ethan will hit him or stab him on accident. So he just stays quiet and continues to scrub the dishes with a frown on his lips.

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