I Want You

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It has been hours since Ethan has left.

Grayson has taken a nap, explored the safe house, and snooped through all of Ethan's drawers in his room. He found three guns, two pocket knives, black sweatpants which are extremely comfortable because he is now wearing them, and an ipod touch.

He is starting to feel antsy.

Grabbing the ipod off the bed Grayson makes his way out of the room and down the hall. Ethan never said how long he would be gone. Maybe there is just a shit load of stuff they wanted to keep? Maybe the boys went out for a drink? Maybe they are all dead because Jack came back from the dead to kill them himself.

Grayson shakes his head at that last thought. There is no fucking way. He shot Jack right in between his eyebrows, you cannot live through that. Right?

He slowly opens Cameron's door just a crack, a smile makes its way onto his lips when he sees her sleeping. Her hair is in a bun and she is curled up in a ball hugging a pillow that has a little bit of drool on it since her mouth is slightly open. Since she is sleeping Grayson quietly closes her door and decides to go work out.

The Dolan's are really nice people. He can't help but feel bad for them. Cameron has said she doesn't like the life she is living. It worries Grayson to hear her think like that. But he really doesn't blame her. He cannot imagine growing up into this lifestyle. His life was a shit show growing up, but nothing like what the Dolan kids went through.

It's different with Ethan though, he's noticed. He almost feels like Ethan is to far gone into this world to come back from it. The way he killed Jake the other day, shit. He had the option to chose the gun that was arm's reach away, but instead he bashed his skull into the floor.

Grayson can't seem to get Ethan out of his mind.

He opens the door to the gym, it's on the opposite side of the house then the bedrooms. It's got a treadmill, weights, and a few other work out equipment. He puts headphones in and picks a random song from Ethan's ipod to start playing to get pumped up. It's been a long time since he has hit the gym.

Maybe working out will get Ethan out of his thoughts.

Two hours later and Grayson is quite the sweaty boy. His cheeks are flushed from all the hard work and his body is burning. The whole fucking time he couldn't stop thinking about Ethan. His long hair that has a slight curl at the end, how his face lights up when he smiles, his fucking laugh.

God, that boy does all kinds of things to him.

And he still isn't home.

Grayson pauses the music and pulls the headphones out of his ears before walking out of the gym on wobbly legs. He is going to be so sore tomorrow. This time when he passes Cameron's room the door is open. She is sitting crisscross watching Netflix with her pillow pressed against her chest, turning her head when she notices Grayson is at her door.

"Do you have a thing against clothes?" She quirks a brow at him.

Maybe he does. But at least he has pants on this time. "I was working out." He deadpans, leaning against the doorframe.

"Wanna watch Stranger Things? I just started it." She gives him a small smile and gestures to the television on her wall. "Maybe after I shower, I smell so bad."

"Yeah, I can smell you from here." She chuckles, turning her attention back to the screen just as Will runs into the forest leaving his bike behind. "You sure you can smell me?" Grayson asks innocently, making his way into Cameron's room lifting his arms over his head. Her eyes widen when she realizes what he is doing and she uses her pillow as a weapon to keep him as far away as possible. "Oh hell no! You smell like ass! Stop!" She protests but is giggling at the same time as Grayson leans over her, attempting to shove his armpits in her face.

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