4- The Potions Master's New Job

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Hermione woke up on the first day of class with a thrill. She was a N.E.W.T. student! However, Hermione kept her excitement to herself as she left her dormitory. She could see the sombre expressions of her classmates as they woke up and realized for the first time how many of their peers had not returned to Hogwarts that year. Gryffindor house was a lot smaller than the past five years, and Hermione could tell that it left people fearful for the future of the school.

Making her way down to the Great Hall, Hermione was joined by Luna Lovegood, who was coming from Ravenclaw Tower. They engaged in small talk before splitting ways to go to their house tables for breakfast.

As Hermione scooped some porridge into her bowl, the mail arrived, and an unfamiliar owl dropped a pale yellow envelope in front of her. She gave the owl a piece of her toast before it flew back out the way it came.

Hermione looked at the handwriting on the envelope. She had seen it before, but could not pinpoint who it was from, so she opened it up. Inside was a messily scrawled letter.

How's school? I know that all the attacks outside of Hogwarts seem frightening, and that the death eaters are going after muggleborns and muggle supporters, so I want you to know that I am keeping a close watch over your family to make sure they stay safe. I have placed several protective enchantments over your home, and I'm keeping your parents up to date on the happenings of the wizarding world.

I am worried about you. You haven't owled me all summer, and I was going to come by your house, only I just started my internship at the ministry, and they have us working non stop. Mr. Weasley is a great boss, but he doesn't seem used to having control over so many people.

How's C? I haven't heard from him in a long time, and I've been worried for his safety for what seems to be forever. I miss my best friend.

Sending love,

P. S. I found this photograph at the bottom of my trunk and duplicated it so I could send you a copy.

Hermione pulled out a photograph from the envelope. It was her and Ian, laughing as they made funny faces at Polaroid camera that she had boughten for Ian's birthday the year prior.

Hermione smiled and shoved the picture and letter into her robes' pocket as Harry and Ron sat down next to her.

"Who was that from?" Harry asked.

"It was just Ian, he wanted to let me know that he's keeping my parents safe," hermione explained.

"Keeping your family safe?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, he moved into a flat near my parents' house at the beginning of summer, and he's keeping watch on their house and keeping them updated on what's going on."

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