My Problem With Votes

12 4 3

If you've bothered to look at my profile, you will see I am not very popular on Wattpad. Most of my followers were earned via my hilarious comments, not through my writing skills.

Here's my problem. I publish a book. It might get 1-3 votes before people just stop reading it. I don't know why. It still gets reads. But no one ever votes anymore. I'm looking at you, non-voting reader.

I'm not sure why this happens. Is my heart just not in it anymore? I don't know.

This is my most successful book. 8 votes. Honestly, no one's voted since 2018. Pathetic, I know. I also haven't been updating. 

Anyways, there's no way to really find this out. So... have a good day! 

I'm looking at you, non-voting reader.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2019 ⏰

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