Do's and Don't's

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Do: Encourage your readers to vote. Gently. Have a little text saying (for instance) Don't forget to vote and comment

Don't: Vote and comment this took so freaking long to write let me know you appreciate me

Do: Try to use grammar at all times.

Don't: Use 'u' instead of 'you' and lowercase 'i's and 'r' instead of 'are'.

Do: Keep on writing stories! Never give up on your dreams! Just because people don't appreciate you doesn't mean you're a bad writer.

Don't: Give up Wattpad. Even famous authors were once nobodies!

Do: Post announcements! It's a great way to get people over to your profile. 

Do: Give constructive criticism to other authors. 'Constructive critisism' is basically giving advice, but saying it in a nice way. So instead of My god your writing is H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E it's spelled disappear not dissapppear! you could say Friendly reminder—there's only one 's' in disappear 🙃

Do: Try to find minor author's stories and vote on them (but only if you actually like them of course!)

Don't: Like your own stories. It is tempting, but it's also a NO.

That's all for now! I'm probably going to add more.

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