Starting Out

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Imagine this.

You just joined Wattpad. You write a story that you've always wanted to get out there, and publish it. Then you come back the next day.

No one's even read it.

This is the first obstacle to overcome. It's easily solved, though.

Go and read some stories, vote, comment. If you find a story that you actually think is good but isn't that popular, vote and comment! This will let people know you exist.

Next: Conversations.

There is a tab in your profile. Here, you can announce things and whatnot. It's quite helpful, actually, just to remind your followers (you can put a message on their feed about an announcement) that you do still exist, and you haven't faded away into oblivion.

Then you have my situation. I kid you not, there are only two people in the enormous Wattpad community who have ever liked one of my stories. They liked multiple stories, but still. (That's not true now, actually, but before I wrote this book...)

The problem is, there are some people who don't understand the need to see that red dot, and seeing someone has voted on something. 

Oh well. Not everyone can understand our situation.

The Struggle of Being New to WattpadWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt