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You tiptoed up the stairs followed by Shaun and Sammie and you went towards Rye's room. Silently, you pushed the door open to reveal Rye, asleep in his bed.
The boys no longer could help themselves and ran in, jumping on top of Rye.
"SHAUN! SAMMIE!" Rye shouted, hugging them both tightly.

Rye looked confused for a moment, clearly wondering where the boys had come from. He then looked out of the room at you and Jack at the doorway and beamed at you.
" I  L O V E  Y O U  B O T H " he mouthed at you and Jack. You smiled back at him as Jack took your hand.
"Let's leave them to it." Jack whispered leading you downstairs.

Jack sat down on a kitchen stool and motioned for you to come over. You walked over to him and sat on his lap. You both laughed as you nearly set him tumbling off the stool.
"Y/N, you know how you were supposed to be going home in 2 days?" Jack asked.
"Yeah." You said sadly. Wow you would miss Jack and the boys so much.

"Well I was talking with the boys and they all really want you to stay with us permanently too. You could go and get all your stuff tomorrow and you can share my room with me?" Jack pleaded.
"I'll have to think about it..." you teased. Jack passed you some notes written on the back of a tea bag box.

Jack imagineWhere stories live. Discover now