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After driving for 2 hours, you finally pulled up outside the address Rye's mum had given you. You and Jack got out of the car and went up to the door.
You rung the doorbell and seconds later, two mini Rye's appeared with massive backpacks by their sides.
"Sammie! Shaun!" You shouted, scooping them up into a hug. Jack went and hugged Rye's mum who was standing behind the boys.

"The boys have been packed for days," Rye's mum laughed "they're so excited to come!"
"Heyo" Sammie said, squeezing your hand happily.
"Are you really sure that your happy to have the boys over for the weekend?" Rye's mum asked "they are quite a lot of work."
"I'm sure they'll be fine" you laughed, going over to hug her.
"It's so kind of you two to do this for Ryan" his mum said, smiling at you.
"Ahah, no problem," Jack replied "it makes me upset to see Rye upset, and this was Y/N's great idea!"

Jack took Shaun and Sammie's bags into the car and you held their hands as you walked across Rye's front garden.
"Thank you Y/N" Shaun whispered. You squeezed his hand and smiled down at them. Woah they were both so adorable!

After 2 hours of driving, you finally arrived at the RoadTrip house.
"Okay, shush now boys, remember Rye doesn't know your coming" Jack whispered, ruffling Sammie's hair.
The boys both nodded as you walked up to the front door and unlocked it as quietly as you could. Shaun and Sammie followed you in and Jack brought in their bags from the car.

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