Chapter Four

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A few hours later, Agent Hill and I finally meet up with Director Fury and Agent Coulson on the helicarrier. Agent Hill was told to go check on something, I don't exactly remember what. Meanwhile, Agent Coulson and I had the task of telling Agent Romanoff to get Bruce Banner, and of recruiting Tony Stark.

"Just stand there for now," Agent Coulson told me, pulling a phone out of his pocket and calling Agent Romanoff.

He stood there for a moment waiting for her to answer. When he did start talking, it must have been to some men, as he was asking them to put Agent Romanoff on the phone.

"You're at 1-14 Silensky Plaza, 3rd floor. We have an F-22 exactly eight miles out. Put the women on the phone, or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby."

I raised my eyebrows at that. Agent Coulson doesn't seem like the type to do that sort of stuff. Or maybe he does, and I'm just not around to witness it.

"We need you to come...This takes precedence... Natasha, Barton's been compromised."

Just then I heard to sound of a fight coming from the phone. I didn't think it would be loud enough for me to hear it, but apparently so. Agent Coulson just stood there, swaying from side-to-side a little, listening to the sound of Agent Romanoff fighting the men she was with.

"We don't know." Agent Coulson responded to whatever Agent Romanoff had said. I assume she must have asked where Agent Barton, as the answer Agent Coulson had given her only made sense. He continued talking.

"We think so. Agent Olson and I will brief you on everything when you get back. But first, we need you to talk to the big guy... I've got Stark. You get the big guy."

Turning off his phone, Agent Coulson turned to me. "Let's go," I nodded, following him out of the bridge of the helicarrier.


Later that evening we finally arrive at Stark Tower. Going in I saw the elevator right away, with a box beside it. I guess you must need a keycard just to get into the elevator.

"How odd, there's nobody downstairs," I commented, looking around the lobby of Stark Tower.

"That just makes it easier for us then," Agent Coulson remarked back.

"Makes what easier?"

"Getting the elevator and going up to greet Stark."

"Oh." There was a pause. "How do you expect to get into the elevator?"

"You're a witch, right?"

"Yes," I grumbled. "Why?"

"Wave your wand and cast some sort of spell."


I grabbed my wand, looking around in case there were any no-majs around. Besides Agent Coulson of course. Flicking my wand towards the elevator I said "Alohomora." The elevator doors opened, and Agent Coulson and I walked in.

Agent Coulson pressed one of the buttons for a higher floor then turned to me.


"Alohomora," I said, struggling to put my wand away. "It unlocks anything with a lock. I'm guessing you only asked me because neither of us have a keycard to get into the elevator."

Agent Coulson looked at me before pulling out his phone punching a number.

As we were waiting for Mr. Stark to answer, I realized something. If Mr. Stark has an AI called J.A.R.V.I.S., then why isn't he calling us out. He couldn't have been turned off. But I shrugged it off for now, having better things to worry about.

The Witch Avenger- A Wizarding World/MCU crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now