Sticks and Bones with Depressing Tones

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Sticks and Bones, With Depressing tones
Ships: Bromance (slight Zorbyn )
Summary: When watching old interviews, Zach sees that many of the fans are hating on him and causes him to lose control of his self-esteem.
Warnings: Anorexia is mentioned 
Thanks to @user65172321  for requesting this one, so sorry it took so long to update. 

*Edited: 5/7/20 grammar and spelling*

"Okay, We are here with the band Why Don't We! Welcome boys, introduce yourselves! " said Mallory, the interviewer.

"Hey I'm Jonah"

"Hi I'm Jack"

"Hey I'm Corbyn"

"I'm Daniel"

" I'm Zach"

"And were Why Don't We"

"Welcome to the studio boys, now tell me you guys are one of Hollywood's hottest boy bands rising, How are different from other bands?"

"Well, I think it because we were actually all friends before. We all had solo careers and were doing our own thing. We all decided to then hang out in L.A. one day and we started to jam out with each other and that's when we all felt a spark ignite between all of us. Like it was supposed to happen and when the idea was to form a group, we said Why Don't We?" Jack said

"Yeah we all had own fan bases and when we came together we created this huge family that we call Limelights"

"Why are the fans called limelights?" asked the interviewer

"The name come from the first song we ever produced called Taking You and in the first verse of the song it says "I need you in my life like limelight" and after that one day we saw the #WeAreLimelights trending and since then that's been the name for them," said Jonah

"Wow, that's incredible, Anyway you guy recently released an Album called 8 Letters and a book called In the Limelight. How do you about these accomplishments?"

"It honestly feels great to have an album and book out. The album means a lot to us it's like our child. We spend months trying to perfect this and it was well worth the wait to give the fans" said Daniel

"Wow, by the way, the album is amazing. I have been getting so many requests for 8 Letters. It's truly a work of art."

The boys smiled

After a while, the interview ended and the boys were back at their house. Corbyn went off to talk to Christina on the phone, Daniel went to see his family for dinner, Jonah went out with Tate cause she was in town, and Jack went to play Fortnite. All the boys had plans expect the youngest, Zach then decided he was going to watch some of their old interviews for the fun of it.

*After a Few Hours*

Zach was in the third interview and was finding it quite funny. Until he read the comments

Random 1: Ewww, why the hell would these guys have a little kid in this band

Random 2: Zach is so Fat. #fatass

Random 3: He's so fat compared to the rest of the boys. Like who would allow such a fat disgusting person to be apart of this hot boyband.

Random 4: Honestly, You all should shut up! He is perfect and stop being so mean! He is healthy and fit in the most perfect way! I'm sorry to let you know that being a bag of bones is unattractive and sick. I love him for who he is and what he loves to do. Stop putting him down just because you're jealous.  #weloveZach

Why Don't We: Zach Herron Centric One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now