The Hate that Drives Forward

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Ok before we start, I would like to make some announcements: Do you to the Midwest is so freaking cold, I've decided to write. Now the story wasn't going to really be published until March but it's just too good not to publish it now so I've decided that I would publish it today. So I really hope you guys like this one it took me forever to write it in Google Docs but it's a roller coaster it's over like 12 pages long in docs but it may be my favorite one I have ever written.

— Kate


The Hate that Drives Forward

Ship: None

Summary: Just read it! Trust me, describing it would ruin it.

Warnings: Strong language and graphic scenes. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

This is very depressing and dark.

*Edited: 5/7/20 grammar and spelling*


It was raining today in Los Angeles, the sky was filled with grey clouds that loomed over the city. Lighting crashed and thunder rolled over the darkened skies and Zach was laying in bed thinking about what was going on. You see, Zach been caught in some drama, which caused a lot of backlash and hate. He has been trying to ignore it but apparently there always something new and his name is always thrown in.

What hurts the most is that the boys keep telling him it will pass and people will forget. But, apparently, they're not stopping, they keep dragging him in so much that it starting to hurt a lot. So much that he even left for a week off from social media due to all the hate.

The rain was still pouring outside and Zach then got up from his bed and went downstairs to grab something to eat. He walked into the kitchen and went to grab some goldfish and started to snack on them. The boys were all out doing their own thing; Daniel and Jonah were at the studio recording some parts for a song that they have written. Corbyn was out with Christina to a movie; since Christina was visiting them and Jack was hanging with Gabbie. So, it was just Zach alone in their house, to say the least, he was bored out of his mind.

He had nothing really to do, but then an idea popped into his head. He decided he would write a song. He then went upstairs back to his bedroom with the goldfish in his hands, cause writing makes you hungry and got out some paper, pencils, and his guitar. Now, he wasn't so bored but now suck on what he could write. But, then some lyrics came and sounded like this,

(Please note that these are not his but Lostboycrow's song "Missing London", I thought it would be a really good song to fit the dark eerie mood. This is just for the story, All rights go to Lostboycrow. But seriously, I LOVE THIS SONG!)

[Verse 1]

It's dark inside this dungeon

Missing calls, missing London

Tired of wondering if you're wondering

Am I missing something?

To Zach, it was depressing and not cheerful like their other songs but, it was the mood he was feeling. He was missing something. Some love? Some Hope? Something?

Zach Pov:

These lyrics were depressing but it was something and I was getting somewhere with it. The next few lines maybe will come together, let's see. I re-read the first half of the first verse. Hhhmmm....Youth is wasted on young lovers...We were wasted under shovers? No, that seems wrong....oh wait for covers. Yeah, that works. I wrote this down and then got out my guitar and started to strum it out.

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