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the plane ride was long. yugyeom had never been on a plane before so the 14 hour plane ride wasn't a good first time. they had a layover of three hours yugyeom got a chance to learn a little bit of thai since he was watching a few movies on the plane while bambam slept.

bambam taught him a few phrases but also assured him that he would translate everything for him so he wasn't out of the loop.

"my mama knows basic english but she's the only one. it wasn't required in my school so my siblings don't know much."

yugyeom was sure that bambam liked to speak thai more than english. he spoke so much more confidently and didn't have the heavy accent that he did when he spoke in english.

yugyeom was excited to see bambam with his family and speaking his native language because it was a part of bambam he didn't get to see.

"hey, you were awake the whole flight before. go to sleep." yugyeom had slept on the first half of their flight before their layover. bambam told him he hadn't slept at all and it showed.

bambam nodded and rested his head on yugyeom's arm since he couldn't reach his shoulder. yugyeom watched a few movies and by then it was time to wake bambam up so they could get off the plane.

bambam held onto yugyeom's hand tightly as they walked off the plane and found baggage claim. he looked around for his mom or someone in his family.

yugyeom nearly fell when bambam started pulling him over to someone before he even realized bambam had noticed a family member.

bambam let go of yugyeom's hand to hug the guy, speaking something in thai before turning around and introducing him to yugyeom.

"yugyeom, this is one of my brothers beer." yugyeom said hello and did just want bambam had taught him.

bambam giggles when he told beer that yugyeom was his boyfriend even if beer already knew from their mom.

they got the suitcase that bambam and yugyeom has shared for a lower cost since mark said he would pay for another bag and they couldn't let him buy them more stuff.

beer told bambam that he had offered to pick them up from the airport so the other three were at the house.

on the nearly two drive to the house, yugyeom slept in the backseat while bambam talked to his older brother about their lives. beer praised bambam for how good he was doing in school when bambam told him, knowing he was probably really stressed but proud of him nonetheless.

bambam woke yugyeom up when they got to the house despite how much he wanted to run into the house and see his family. he wanted yugyeom to meet them just as bad so he was patient.

beer took their suitcase so they didn't have to worry about it. bambam greeted the rest of his family before introducing yugyeom to them. he proudly held yugyeom's hand and giggled at how nervous he was.

bambam took yugyeom to his room so he could sleep some more while bambam went to catch up with the rest of his family.

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