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mark chuckled when he looked over at bambam's bed. he knew the two probably thought they were so sneaky, hiding under the blanket, peppering kisses onto each other's faces.

when mark took out his earbuds, he could hear them giggling and whispering. the sound of pecking of lips make mark smile as he stood up.

"hey, i'm heading to jinyoung's for the night." only bambam's head was revealed which was when mark realized they thought he didn't know yugyeom was there. "i know yugyeom is under there."

yugyeom shyly moved the blanket to reveal his blushing cheeks also covered in chapstick stains in the shape of bambam's lips.

"you aren't that sneaky, weirdos. have fun... but not too much. i'll see you guys later." mark waved to them as he left the dorm, making sure it was locked behind him.

bambam giggled at the sight of lip stains and messy hair when he looked at yugyeom. "you look ridiculous."

"it's not my fault you look so good all the time," yugyeom pouted only to recieve a kiss right on the lips. "you can't make up for laughing at me with a kiss. maybe 15 and i'll forgive you."

"what do i get out of it?"

yugyeom pretended to think about it for a moment. "you get to kiss me. and i get kisses from the cutest boy in the world."

bambam blushed and happily pressed 16 kisses to yugyeom awaiting lips. he had to add an extra one just incase but neither had a problem with that.

"gyeom, can you teach me how to kiss?" bambam asked suddenly after the two had been cuddling for a few minutes.

yugyeom knew how to kiss but he was exactly sure on how to teach someone to kiss.

"you just kind of do it. i'll kiss you and you can do whatever you feel like you should."

despite bambam not doing much in the kiss, yugyeom told him how good he did because either way, yugyeom would like to kiss bambam forever if he could. just like anyone, bambam would learn but it wasn't as if he sucked at kissing.

"have you ever made out with someone yuggie?" bambam asked quietly as if he was embarrassed to ask.

yugyeom nodded and bambam gasped. "is it weird? i've only seem people make out a few times and it looks like it would feel weird."

"if it feels weird why would people like to do it so much?" yugyeom asked his cute boyfriend. "don't worry about it, bammie, we can do that another day."

yugyeom couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought of making out with bambam. his boyfriend. even just being able to call bambam his boyfriend made his heart beat just a little bit faster.

"are you staying here tonight?" yugyeom nodded. it was the weekend and mark had left, why wouldn't he stay? "good. i just wanted to make sure. i love when you stay the night. you're really warm so i don't get cold. and you're tall so when we cuddle it's like you're protecting me."

"you're so cute tonight, i can't handle it."

jackson walked into the dorm with food around nine, assuming to two would still be awake. but instead he saw them cuddling on the bed with their legs intertwined together. the fact that they were hugging made jackson coo as he picked up the blanket that seemed to have been kicked off the bed.

he left the bag of food on bambam's side table along with a note telling them who it was from. he was glad that neither of them woke up as he put the blanket over them and silently left the room soon after.

when yugyeom woke up at two in the morning because he hadn't eaten in over 12 hours, he woke bambam up too so they could eat together.

baby ♡ yugbamWhere stories live. Discover now