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bambam shivered as he walked to his last class
before winter break. he couldn't find a jacket
before it came to a time where he could be late
for class if he didn't leave.

yugyeom, who picked him up from class, had brought an extra hoodie because bambam had been texting him and mentioned that he had forgotten one.

bambam blushed as yugyeom stood behind him and put the jacket on him. "thank you, yuggie."

the two boy with red noses walked to bambam's dorm while holding hands. their faces were not only red from the cold wind but holding hands made them both blush. it always did but they never let the other know.

"bambam, what are you doing during break?"  both of them had made plans pretty late so they hadn't had time to tell each other what they were doing.

"i'm going to la with markie for two weeks and then we'll be back here. his dad is really sweet and buying us both plane tickets. what about you?"

"my mom and brother is coming to pick me up tomorrow. i won't be back until a few days before my first class."

bambam swung their arms as they finally got into the dorm building. he was glad to be out of the cold wind.

they ended up going to yugyeom's apartment so they could pack some things since he was leaving the next day and had yet to pack anything.

the two laid on yugyeom's bed and watched a movie on his laptop. jackson had already left because he was going back to hong kong and the only flight was around 3 in the morning that day.

"bambam," yugyeom said softly to get bambam's attention to him instead of the movie that they were about halfway through. "i'm going to really miss you."

"i'll miss you, too. i can't believe we'll be apart for like four weeks." bambam cuddled up closer to yugyeom, ignoring the movie at this point.

yugyeom pulled the blanket over them and held bambam close, reaching over bambam to change the movie to the playlist that the two had made together.

"nap time," bambam mumbled, wrapping his arms around yugyeom. yugyeom was nearly sure the cold boy was trying to steal his body heat but he didn't mind because it gave him the chance to cuddle bambam.

bambam was woken up by his phone ringing in his ear about two hours later. he whined as he reached around behind him to find his phone.

he spoke to mark quietly so he didn't wake yugyeom up. he hasn't told mark that they were going to yugyeom's dorm instead so he called to make sure he was okay.

"i'm at yugyeom's. we're taking a nap because he's getting picked up tomorrow. i helped him pack."

"okay, i just wanted to make sure you're okay since i thought you would be back. don't forget, you have to pack, too."

they ended the call and bambam hugged yugyeom again, not even realizing he woke him up. yugyeom smiled as bambam nuzzled up under his chin.

yugyeom was extremely grateful that bambam had forgiven him for being a jerk for the first month that they knew each other. they had gotten extremely close and it was obviously great for both of them. their closeness in age helped them understand each other.

yugyeom woke bambam up once he had been asleep for a while longer so they could eat. they didn't want to go out into the cold again so they went to the residential hall to get food from the vending machines.

"gyeom," bambam started as he struggled to open his orange juice bottle. "i'm really going to miss you. i hope you have fun with your family."

yugyeom grabbed the bottle from bambam to open it for him. "i'll miss you, too, but we can still talk everyday. you'll have fun with mark and his family."

"i know, but i'll still miss you since we see each other everyday and now we won't see each other for four weeks." yugyeom smiled sadly as bambam finally took a drink of his juice. he didn't really want to admit how much he would miss bambam.

sure, he would miss all of his other friends but he really only cared about not seeing bambam. he was glad to be able to see his family for a few weeks so it wasn't as if it was all bad. he knew he would have fun and would still be able to call and text bambam whenever he wanted to.

"i will call or text you everyday, bammie. don't be sad." yugyeom, refusing to look at bambam as he did, grabbed bambam's hand as they walked back to yugyeom's dorm.

they both blushed and looked down at the floor. yugyeom, sadly, had to let go of bambam's hand so he could unlock the door to his dorm.

bambam ended up staying the night at yugyeom's door so he could able to see him before he left the next day. because he stayed, he woken up at 5 in the morning, which was when yugyeom's mom and brother got there.

bambam unashamedly cried as he hugged yugyeom. it wasn't surprising considering that bambam cried when he wouldn't see one of his friends for even four days, let alone four weeks.

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