Chapter 6: Love?

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Perspective: Lucas

It has a been a month or so since Max and I have started dating and to be completely honest, it has been the best month of my life (apart from the whole El and Will adventure of course). The guys have been pretty cool over it all but have seemingly made it their mission to let everyone in the whole universe know about our relationship. We are nearly finishing middle school, which means in a few months we will be moving up to high school which is pretty scary. Obviously, we will all be going to Hawkins High School, as it is the only school available within the area.


I pedal faster and faster, but it doesn't matter because I am already late. How did the morning slip past me like that? I arrive at school fifteen minutes late, and make the embarrassing walk to the office, as all the other kids walk to their classes. I missed homeroom and I am going to be late to my first period too if I don't hurry my ass up. Arriving at the office I go and sign in, receiving a late slip that I will have to get my parents to sign later. I don't know what happened. I was sleeping until mom yelled that she was off to work. I should have already been ready by then, but I slept in I guess. Walk-running to class, I make it just as Mr Clarke is just about to close the door. 

"Morning sir," I say trying to slip past him. 

"Morning, slept in did we?" he glances at my hair and then to what I'm wearing. 

My hair is a big mess, dishevelled and strands going every direction. I then glance at what I'm wearing. Grey sweatpants and a T-shirt that was so crumpled that it looked like a crumpled piece of paper.

 "Yeah," I say entering the classroom, all eyes darting at me. I awkwardly walk to the back of the classroom and decide to sit next to Max. She's smart, at least if you are at the back not as many people will look at you.


After a long and tedious morning, all I want to do is leave. 

"Hey, does anyone want to go for a ride this afternoon?" Mike asks tentatively. 

"Yeah, sure!" Max practically shouts. 

"Anyone else?" Mike says as if she never spoke.

 "excuse me! stop being such a douche!" She says laughing, playfully punching Mike in the shoulder.

 "Ughh if you must," he rolls his eyes, a wide grin on his face.

 "I'll come too," even though I don't feel up to it I still wanna go because Max is going.

 "Can't," Dustin says.

 "Yeah me neither," Will shrugs his shoulders.

 "Okay I will try to get Eleven to come too, but you know how Hopper is sometimes," Mike furrows his brows. He is really missing El at the moment and I really feel bad for him, it is probably hard for him to see me and Max together with no Hopper standing between us...

We end up going to the forest, and we ditch our bikes so we can walk through it. It was really peaceful that afternoon, the birds chirping and the sun, glowing a golden hue over all the luscious trees and plants. Mike brought El and they were a few steps in front of us, holding hands, talking in whispers and giggling every now and then. Mike and El are the perfect couple, and if they broke up I don't think I would ever believe in love or soulmates. The way they looked into each other's eyes made it look like they could see the whole universe.

Max and I walked side by side, just admiring the natural beauty, walking on the green grass of Spring, rather than the crunchy leaves of Autumn. I felt her fingers entwine in mine and I smiled. 

"It's really pretty now that it is coming into Spring, isn't it?" Max looks at me. 

"Yeah it is kinda pretty but not as beautiful as you," I know that was kind of mushy but I thought it was the right time. Her face glowed with that adorable smile of hers and mine widened. 

"Are you flirting with me Sinclair?" she says chuckling.

 "Aren't I allowed to flirt with my girlfriend?" I teased, she laughed even louder, and so did I. The fluttery feeling builds up inside of my chest, was this the sign of love?

We walked for a while longer, until Mike and El stopped to sit under a tree, so we did the same. We sat close, our legs slightly touching, but we were still both smiling. I knew that this was the time, it was now or never. 

"Maxine Mayfield?" I look at her crystal blue eyes, prettier than the rolling waves of the ocean. 

"Yes, Lucas," She turns to look at me, and I start to get nervous. 

"You are one of the sweetest, funniest, prettiest girls in the whole world," her cheeks grow rosy, "and I think I am falling head over heels for you." I watch her face as it goes through a mixture of expressions. 

"I think I'm in love with you Max." I finally spit it out. She smiles, and a single tear rolls down her face. She leans in and puts her lips against mine...


Authors Note: Oh My God! Thank you guys so much for all of your love and support on this story, I am overjoyed with the number of people that are reading it!  I know this story hasn't gone very far yet but I have something very... let's just say something big is gonna happen. Love you all! xxx

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