Chapter 4: Wow

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Perspective: Lucas

What an idiot! Seriously, why in the world did I try and kiss her? It's not only that but the fact that she pulled away. I was now riding away from Max's house as fast as possible. I can feel her eyes looking at me, she is probably thinking of what a complete loser I am.                                                   

After I get home I jump into bed-still fully clothed, shoes and all-and just lay there thinking of how badly I messed up. I feel the weight of my eyelids, they begin to feel heavy. They get heavier and heavier until I can't feel them at all...


I lock up my bike and walk over to the front entrance where Mike, Dustin, and Will are sitting.

"Hey guys," I say as I sit down on the steps. They all look at me. 

"C'mon, tell us what is up," Mike says laughing to himself.

 "What do you mean? Nothing is wrong!"  I say, the words pouring out of my mouth.

 "Seriously? How long have I known you? I always know if somethings up," Mike rolls his eyes, a big grin spreading across his face. 

"Yeah, dude you look upset." Will chips in, Dustin nodding his head strongly. 

"Ugh fine, then!" I said with a chuckle, and I proceeded to tell them. I told them everything from the ride to the arcade, to the 'kiss'. Before the boys could respond to my story, Max showed up.

"Hey guys," Max sits down next to me, her leg touching mine. The guys look in every direction but  Max and I. Wow so subtle. 

"Hey," I reply trying to break the tension.

 "Hi," she replies. 

What do I say now? There is an earsplitting ring, the bell for class, what a blessing. I jump up as quickly as I could and run up the steps to class. I don't think I have ever run to class. Then I realized that I RAN AWAY FROM HER! She probably thinks that I hate her, although she probably hates me for trying to kiss her like that. 

I walked into the first period - science- my favourite class. I was just glad that Max was in the back row and so there was no way for us to make eye contact unless I turned around. Which I would not do. Was Max looking at me though? I was tempted to turn around, so tempted that I just began to turn my head... 

"Lucas, are you paying attention?" Mr Clarke asked. "

Yes, Sir." I looked back at the board and listened to Mr Clarke talk about photosynthesis. 

I had a double period of science that morning, and when I walked out for recess, I heard a voice call my name. 

"Lucas. Wait up!" I would know that voice anywhere. Max Mayfield. 

I stood by the door, watching all the other kids file out the door until I saw her.

 "Hey," she said.

 "Hey," I replied, putting my hands in my pockets.

 "Umm, well, I, uh, I um..." she stuttered as if she lost the ability to form words. 

"Yes?" I asked. 

"Well, I was, just wondering what the homework was." 

That wasn't what she was going to say, was it?

 "It was to write a paragraph about the process of photosynthesis," I replied emotionlessly. 

"Oh Okay. Thanks," she said, turning around and walking down the hallway. 

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