Chapter 5: Spinning

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Perspective: Max

I could feel my palms perspiring as I looked through the dark at the silhouette of Lucas' face. I had to tell him. I wanted to bolt and just skate off, but that would be unfair to him. I can't just leave him hanging like that again.

"I wanted to tell you that..." I took an inward breath. "I wanted to tell you that... that I really like you Lucas," I mumbled inaudibly.

 "Sorry, what was that?" Lucas clearly getting impatient.

 I walked closer to him until our faces were inches apart. 

"Lucas Sinclair. I wanted to tell you that I like you. Like a lot." I looked into his eyes, and his gaze met mine.

 "I uh really like.." he seemed like he had lost the power to speak.

 "Shut up," I whispered and I leaned my face into his. 

I didn't realize what I was doing until my lips were on his. I pulled away slowly, and put my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around his body, and he hugged me back. 

"See you tomorrow," I whispered, as I let go of our embrace. I grabbed my skateboard, put it on the road and got ready to ride off. I looked behind me one last time.

"I really like you too, Maxine Mayfield," he said. 

With that, I skated off and he rode off in opposite directions. I knew I was going to have good dreams tonight.


Today was Friday. Thank God. I sat down at my desk at the back.

"Bonjour," Madame Tulle began. 

The class echoed in a monotone voice, already dulled by the subject. I usually enjoy French, but seeing as it was a Friday morning I was sick of school and just prayed that the day would be over soon. I hadn't seen Lucas yet as I was late to school this morning - thanks to Billie - and I don't have any classes with him this morning. I start to copy out the adverbs Madame Tulle is writing on the board, but a few minutes later I start mindlessly doodling. It wasn't until I looked up from my page that I noticed what I was drawing. A page full of hearts, LUMAX and Max + Lucas and a load of other lovey-dovey crap, glares back at me. It hits me hard with an intensity of nothing I have ever felt before, I love Lucas...

It was finally recess and I sat down on the soft grass, waiting for everyone else to hurry the hell up. Dustin, Will, and Mike sit down, babbling about some random BS. 

"Hey, where is Lucas?" I ask, trying to be subtle about it.

 "Ooooohhh, missing him are you?" Dustin mocked. 

"Dustin, shut up and stop being a dick. He was just talking to Mr Collins," Mike rolled his eye at Dustin's immaturity. 

I look over my shoulder and see Lucas make his way over here. 

"Will, move over dude," he whispers - he clearly isn't very good at whispering as everyone could hear him. 

Will obeyed and Lucas threw his lunch box on the ground and sat down in between Will and I. His leg brushes mine, and I get a tingly feeling underneath my skin, but neither one of us move. We all talk for a bit, about everything and nothing all at the same time, but Lucas nudges me. I look at him and he mouths come with me. Of course, I follow. We both get up, saying that we are going to get a drink, but it becomes apparent that they don't buy it. 

He leads me behind the bike rack, and I begin to grow more and more confused. 

"Why are we here?" I look at him questioningly.

"Well I didn't want to say it in front of those douche-bags." he chuckles to himself. 

"Say what in front of them?" I am getting increasingly more nervous. 

What is he going to tell me?

 "Well after last night I just wanted to clarify that you know... we are a thing," He wrings his hands clearly nervous - it seems we aren't very good at talking yet. 

"I wanted to ask you," he breathes in deeply, "if you will be my girlfriend." He looks at me, and I look at him. 

"Yeah of course." 

Lucas' eyes light up, brighter than a flame and to my surprise, he leans in and gives me a hug. We let go and turn around to see the three boys poking their head around the corner snickering.

 "Ooh la la!" Will cheers. 

We just stand there as they come towards us.

 "Lucas and Max, sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" they all sing. 

"Shut up before you burst my eardrum," I yell. 

They instantly go silent, and I laugh. The bell rings, and we all walk off towards our classes. I must say, that was the most interesting -but best- recess ever.


I lay in my bed looking up at my pale ceiling. It was one of those nights; too cold with the air-conditioning on, but too hot with it off. I watched my fan whirl around, once, twice, three times... spinning around in its endless rotation. It was a bit like life, constantly moving and it was up to me on how fast you wanted to go. I think about my life and how i'm doing, and to be honest I'm not doing too bad. I have a boyfriend, and a bunch of very annoying, but amazing friends. These five people in my life mean more to me than anyone else, even my real family. I just hope El can come out from hiding soon because the party is missing her - even me - especially Mike. It's crazy how significant, other human beings are to you. If I didn't have them, I don't know who I would be... 


Authors Note: Thank you guys so much for reading my fanfic, it means so much to me! I have noticed you guys adding it to your library and voting and stuff... Thank you so much xxx I am going to try to post as much as possible over the next week or so before I get all my assignments and exams, but I will keep you guys posted :) Love you all! 

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