Chapter 3: Doors

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Perspective: Max

I lean against Lucas' warm body and listen to his heart beating. This might sound weird but it is relaxing listening to his heartbeat its rhythmic pattern: boom ba-boom boom. My hands around his waist relax, my fingertips gripping onto his sweater; the sweater that smells... well it smells like Lucas. It smells like him, and that is a scent I will cherish and hope to remember.

As we ride on the path I stare off into the woods and imagine building a hideout with Lucas in the woods. We would build it along the lake so we can go swimming whenever we want. We would make the frame out of branches and the big luscious leaves would hang off the branches above us. We would come at night just to lay down and look at the midnight sky and all the shining stars in it. It would be our little getaway, something that just us two shared. Our secret.

Lucas pedals further from the forest and I look behind me to see it slowly dissipating from my vision. He turns onto my street and I see my house up ahead, and i notice the absence of the cars that are usually parked out the front. My parents and brother aren't home yet. Thank god. He squeezes the brakes and stands up to balance the bike while I get off. 

I start walking up to my door hoping he will follow me, just like in the movies. Standing by the door I begin take my shoes off slowly, hoping he will get the hint. I then put my skateboard down even slower. Grabbing out my key I put it in the lock, turn it and look behind me. He gets off his bike, and as you can imagine my I start to freak out thinking of what he is going to say or do. Watching him, he walks up the porch right to where I'm standing.

 "Thank's for a great afternoon, I had an awesome time," he says.

I just stand there looking at him and his cute smile. I feel as if my brain is numb.

 "Ummm, yeah its all good, I had a great time too... Oh, thanks for the ride by the way," the words tumble out my mouth and I feel as if I have lost all ability to speak English. 

"That's okay, anytime," he says back. He continues to stand there awkwardly looking at me. Looking up into his eyes we catch eye contact and I immediately turn my head as I blush bashfully.

"Well I will see you at school tomorrow." Lucas mumbles, taking a step forward.

Yes you will... I think. Now what are you waiting for, are you going home, or  are you going to just keep standing there? At that moment he quickly leans forward quickly and kisses me on the cheek. I am so startled I kind of jump back. My cheeks burn and i can only imagine what colour they are. But Lucas doesn't see any of this because he is already half way down my driveway, hopping on his bike and riding away.

Now I've done it, he probably thinks that I pulled away from him because I don't like him. But Lucas I do like you, I mean a lot. You will never hear that from me because I don't have the guts... 

Everyone thinks I'm a badass just because I ride a skateboard and play video games, but I'm still new to this kind of stuff. Opening the front door I walk inside and lock it behind me. I then proceed to my room and flop onto my bed to drown in my thoughts.

Wow, good move. He probably hates you now. You are so dumb. No guy will ever like you. I slowly move of my bed and walk to my mirror hanging on the wall. Scanning myself, I look at my hair, my clothes, my posture. .. Of course no boy will like me, I literally look like a boy, who wants that?

I walk to the kitchen to get some food when I hear a car screech into the driveway. That's got to be Billy, my brother. I grab the peanut butter and jelly out the fridge, a knife from the drawer, and the loaf of bread to make my sandwich. Lifting my hand to quickly wipe my eyes just in case. I don't feel like being interrogated by Billy right now. His loud footsteps echo off the walls as he walk up the porch and opens the door.

"What are you making?" he asks as he sees me, his voice deep and growly. 

"Just a PB&J." I reply. 

"huh," is all he says in response. 

He then walks off to his room and he probably won't come out until morning, or until he has 'hot date' to meet or a 'Bangin' party' to go to. I walk down the hallway with my sandwich in hand, damn this is a good sandwich. Stopping at his door and ask him where mum and dad are. 

"I don't know and I don't give a shit." This usually means they aren't coming home. 

I walk to my room and slam my door, frustrated by my brother, by my parents for not even bothering to come home, and frustrated with myself.

I lay on my bed eating my PB&J sandwich, looking up at my bare ceiling. Eyes closed I begin to imagine I am looking up into the forever stretching sky filled with the uncountable number of stars. I feel the green grass beneath me. Putting my hand down to feel it I am greeted with something else - someone else's hand. I look to my left, and there he is, just laying there looking so peaceful. I smile and he turns to look at me and smiles back. We keep holding hands and looking at the stars and it feels like the universe is giving me a sign. Looking at him again, I look at his face and his lips. The ones that grazed my cheek this afternoon. My cheeks start to turn pink just at the thought of it. He turns to look at me once more and we just stare into each other's eyes, like they are stars too.

"You know Lucas," I start to say, "I like you." My voice is soft and I'm surprised if he can even hear me. "Not just as a friend though. Like I really like you." He smiles and I do too. Our heads lean in closer.... and that's when I wake up. I move my hand and realise that I am not holding Lucas' hand, I realise that it was all just a dream. I wish it would go on, but even if I go back to sleep, it still won't make my dreams a reality, no matter how vivid those dreams seem to me.


I get out of bed and get ready for school. Ready to see Lucas again after yesterday. I am so nervous, but I need to tell him how I feel.

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