chapter 3 Jane

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Chapter 3

It was silent on the way back to the fence. Troy had his hand on my waist, and I leaned my head on his shoulder. We stopped right before the fence. He turned to face me; his black hair was messed up from my fingers. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me into him.

"Jane I want you to have this." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold ring with a silver wolf that had deep ruby eyes, on a gold chain. I stared at the ring utterly amazed at his gift. He unhooked the chain and gently slid it onto my neck.

"Thank you Troy" we stared at each other for a moment before he gently kissed my lips again. It was a sweet and tender kiss, so gentle, and so kind. After we stopped he looked into my eyes and smiled. I smiled back at him. We stared at each other for a long moment before he spoke.

"Hey Jane?"

"Yea Troy"

"I was wondering... if you I mean do you... want to come over to my house tomorrow to see a movie?" he caught me off guard with his question.

"Sure thing Troy I would love to" his smile widened, and his grip tightened on my waist. Before he kissed me again, and we started walking again. He held the door as I slid into the passenger seat of his car. As he slid into the driver's seat I noticed that he had the same wolf that was on the ring he had given me on his key chain. I was paying so much attention to the key chain that it startled me when Troy started the car. Troy looked over and flashed me a smile before pulling out of the driveway.

It was a short drive to Leah's house. As we pulled into the driveway I noticed that Leah was standing out on the porch, she looked like she was starting to get angry.

"Thanks for the ride Troy " he looked over and smiled at me; that made my stomach flutter like there where 100 butterflies flapping around inside it.

"No problem Jane I was happy to do it, hey do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?"

"Sure Troy thanks again" he smiled again and my stomach started again.

"You had better go Jane before Leah get to mad at us" we started to laugh. He leaned over the seat and kissed me one last time. I got out of his car and walked over to Leah. I waved goodbye to Troy before he pulled out of the drive way and left.

"Hi Leah" she looked even madder than before.

"Jane you had me worried, you and Troy disappeared into that old field for hours"

"Sorry Leah I didn't mean to worry you" I felt my cheeks getting hot.

"It's ok Jane" Leah said, as she started to giggle.

"So you and Jamie that's great Leah" she started to blush, as her smile widened.

"What about you and Troy Jane you two where in that field for an awfully long time did something happen between you guy's?" I felt my cheeks getting even hotter.

"Lets go up stairs its late and I'm tired" I was eager to get off the subject of Troy and I. We headed upstairs and got ready for bed.

"Jane tell me what happened in the field" Leah was determent to stay on this subject.

"Do you have any food I'm starving" it was true I hadn't eaten since breakfast.

"If I get you some food will you tell me what happened in the field?" I thought about it for a minuet before agreeing to it. When I went down stairs to get some food I noticed that there was nothing but tofu.

"Um... Leah do you have any non-Tofu food?"

"Sorry Jane my moms on a new no meat diet"

"And your going along with it why?" we started to laugh.

After I found some ice cream berried in the back of the freezer we went back up stairs.

"Tell me what happened in the field!!!" Leah wasn't going to let up on this.

"Ok chill out " as I told her what happened her face grew more and more excited. When I finished Leah was almost bouncing up and down from excitement.

"Oh my goodness! I can't believe he gave you his ring"

"It is a beautiful ring" I took the chain off to examine the ring more carefully.

"I wonder if the wolf stands for any thing, because Troy had the same symbol on his key chain" I said. I was staring at the ring admiring how detailed the wolf was

"And he invited you to his house tomorrow!"

"Yea he's going to pick me up after school tomorrow" I was still staring at the ring twirling it between my fingers, when I noticed that wa-hya a-s-ga-yu was inscribed on the back.

"There's something inscribed on the back ..."

"What does it say?"

"Wa-hya a-s-ga-yu"

"What dose that mean?"

"I don't know Leah" Leah and I exchanged confused glances. Then I looked down at the ring. Just then we heard a knock at the door,

"Girls... Jane's mom is no the phone"

"Thanks mom" Leah said as she grabbed the phone from her mom and nudged her out the door.


"Jane your father called when you where gone he said for you to call him back as soon as you can"

"Ok mom thanks bye " I hung up the phone.

"Leah I need to call my dad, is that ok?"

"Sure thing Jane" Leah said as she flashed me a smile. I dialed the number to my dad's cell phone; it rang twice before he answered it.


"Hi dad it's me mom told me to call you "

"Oh good. I just wanted to see how you where doing, and to tell you that in one month that our tour will stop in Ned. "

"That's great dad"


"And?" I said questionably

"And Jack is dieing to see you again"

"Oh yea Jack" my smile disappeared after that.

"Ok pumpkin I've got to go I love you call me soon ok"

"Ok dad I love u to bye" we hung up the phone, and I handed it to Leah.

"Jane who's Jack?"

"He's the drummer in my dads band, he's had a crush on me for like ever" I plopped down on the bed next to Leah.

"Do you like him back Jane?"

"Hell no!" I said it with more force than I had meant to. Leah had started laughing.

"Chill out Jane you don't have to deal with him for like a month" she had started laughing again

"Yea you're right Leah" I started laughing with her.

"It's starting to get late we had better get to bed Jane"

"Ok Leah night" in bed that night with my head buzzing like a swarm of bees.

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