chapter 4 Jane

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Chapter 4

"Jane, Jane wake up lazy bones" I awoke to Leah shaking me.

"Aaahhhhhh I'm up I'm up stop shaking me"

"Jeez Jane I don't know how you can sleep so much"

"It's just a talent" I said sleepily, we started to laugh.

"What time is it Leah?"

"6:30 we have an hour to get ready and get to school"

"Night Jane" I lied

"Damn it Leah why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"I tried but you sleep like a lump on a log" we started to laugh. On the way to school we passed Jamie's house.

"So Jane what are you going to wear tonight over to Troy's"

"I have no idea Leah" my closet didn't have many choices.

"Well you can barrow some of my cloths if you need to"

"Thanks Leah I will take advantage of that" we started to laugh. When we finally got to school Troy and Jamie where standing outside. We walk over to them, and Leah gave Jamie a hug and he kissed her on the cheek. Troy came over to me and gave me a hug.

"Hi Jane, how are you?"

"I'm fine Troy" he smiled.

"Do you still need a ride tonight Jane?"

"Yea thanks Troy but... could you pick me up at Leah's?"

"Sure thing" just then the first bell rang.

"Ok well I'll see you tonight Jane" he gave me a quick kiss before running off to his first class. Luckily the first half of the day went by fast; before I knew it, it was lunchtime the school was serving its usual pizza and cream corn (or as all the students know it cardboard with cheese and mush). After I got my food I looked for Leah, she was sitting at our usual table. When I walked over to Leah I noticed she was looking very frustrated.

"What's up Leah?" she looked up from the paper that she was staring at.

"Oh hi Jane I'm just trying to figure out this poem from Gilgamesh for lit. Class it super confusing"

"Let me see it

Lay upon the sinner his sin,

Lay upon the transgressor his transgression,

Punish him when he breaks loose,

Do not drive him to hard or he perishes;

Would that a lion have ravaged mankind,

Rather than the flood,

Would that a wolf have ravaged mankind,

Rather than the flood,

Would that famine wasted the world,

Rather than the flood,

Would that pestilence had wasted mankind,

Rather than the flood.

I think that means that after the gods wished the flood upon the people that they where sorry and wished that they didn't cause it"

"Well I guess that makes sense " just then Troy and Jamie walked over.

"Hi Leah" Jamie said as he gave her a hug.

"Hi Jamie" Leah said hugging him back. Then Troy walked over to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist; giving me a quick kiss.

"Hi Jane"

"Hey Troy" suddenly his hand was on the ring he had given me the night before.

"You're wearing the ring"

"Yea of course Troy" he gave me that familiar smile of his and it made my stomach start to flutter. Then he gently leaned in to kiss me. It lasted longer than the first kiss, but it was just as sweet and tender.

"Jeez do you two have to do that here, we're trying to eat" Leah said sarcastically. I shot her a look, and then Troy and Jamie started to laugh. I elbowed him in the chest, but he just started to laugh harder. Soon Leah and I started laughing to. The bell signaling the end of lunch interrupted the laugh attack.

"Well I'll see you later Jane" he gave me a quick hug and smile, before running off to class. Leah and I walked to our next class. Before I knew it school was out and Leah and I where heading out to the parking lot. Leah handed me her cell phone in the car.

"You should tell you're coming over again" she said smiling

"Ok thanks Leah" I dialed my house.

"Hello" my mom said.

"Hi mom, Is it cool if I stay another night at Leah's?"

"Sure Jane" my mom never cared if I went over to Leah's.

"Ok Jane I'll see you tommarow"

"Ok mom love you"

"Love you to Jane" she said hanging up the phone. I hung up the phone and handed it to Leah. We sat in silence the rest of the way to Leah house. When we got there Leah and I went up staires to discuss what I was going to wear to Troy's.

"Here Jane this would look great on you" Leah said handing me a long ocean blue V-neck dress. It was a cute dress but it was something that I would never usually wear.

"Cool thanks Leah," I said slipping into the dress. It was floor length and hung very nicely on me.

"Good it fits" Leah said looking victorious. Then Leah helped me with my makeup. Then we waited for Troy.

Coming soon Chapter 5

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