chapter 2 Jane

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Chapter 2

The party was in half an hour I was wearing my black skirt with my long V neck T-shirt (you know the kind that if it where any lower you could see everything) and the stranger thing was I was wearing makeup (I never wear makeup). I called Leah and she said, that she would be here in a bit as I went down stairs my mom asked,

"Where are you going?"

"To a party with Leah"

"Are you spending the night?"

"Probably mom"

"Ok be safe"

"I will".

Leah was outside waiting for me she was wearing her "slut" outfit with high heals and the belly shirt and her micro mini skirt.

"Wow Leah you look hot!"

"Thanks Jane you look great to. Troy will love you!" I rolled my eyes then glared at her. "We are only going because you like Jamie and want him to know you exist"


"Oh you know its true" she started blushing.

"Lets go".

We drove to Jamie's house

"We're only a little late"

"That's ok no one will notice," as we walked in we noticed that every one was drinking "shit Jane I didn't know that there would be alcohol here" Leah said in a whisper

"It's ok Leah we won't drink any thing. And if someone offers then we wont take it unless it's a soda in an unopened can"


We walked through the house then he saw me

"Jane glad you could make it" it was Troy and what's worse he was totally hammered. "Hi Troy" he did that annoying whistle that guys do to say that a girl looks sexy.

"Wow you look totally HOT Jane" his eyes traced my body

"I didn't know you could look so sexy" his breath totally reeked of liquor

"Um...thanks Troy"

"Hey I want to show you something"

"Um...ok can you wait I need to talk to Leah"

"Ok meet me out back when you're done" "ok".

"Leah what do you think he wants?"

"I don't know Jane"

"Do you think I should go?"

"I think you should because if you don't then he will just keep finding you"

"Good point. Will you be ok if I go?"

"Of course I will" she did her little giggle. Then I went out to find Troy. It didn't take me long to find him. He was outback drinking a beer.

"Jane glad you could make it".

"Follow me Jane and stay close we don't want you to get lost" he led me to a fence then he moved a board and went through I fallowed him closely (even though I didn't need to I could smell him a mile away).

"WOW Troy it's beautiful" it was a giant field filled with flowers and trees.

"Ya Jamie and I always come here, but its not the prettiest thing I have ever seen" "what's the prettiest?"

"Your smile" I turned away and I started blushing.

"Lets go" he grabbed my hand and we started walking into the field.

We walked through the field until we came to a big tree. We sat down by the tree and watched the moon.

"Jane I'm sorry for all the things I did as a kid" and before I could respond he leaned in and kissed me. But it wasn't just any kiss it was sweet and tender.

We stopped and looked at each other. I tasted liquor on my lips but I didn't mind. I noticed that Troy had taken his shirt off I never knew how hot he was. He looked like he went to the gym regularly.

"Troy why me? I mean I thought you always hated Me." he didn't answer. And before I could ask again he kissed me but this one was with more passion. He was really getting into it. The next thing I knew he was pulling me into him my hands where pinned to his bare chest. I felt his hands running up and down my back. I started to get into it to. I tried to move my arms around his neck but his grip was too strong. His hands finely stopped moving and held my hips. I tried again to move my arms and this time he let me. I wove my fingers into his long black hair. It was as smooth as silk. I smelled and tasted liquor but I didn't care. I'd never felt like this before.

He stopped and let me go but I didn't want to stop. I pulled my face away so I could look at him, and his deep blue eyes were sparkling in the moonlight. I still had my fingers tangled in his hair.

"Jane I've never hated you" he pulled me closer and looked in my eyes.

"Troy I'm sorry"

"Why? You don't have anything to apologize for"

"I'm sorry for thinking you where such a meat head"

"Meat head?" he said questionably then he laughed and I started laughing to.

"I'm sorry for almost drowning you". We started to laugh again, and then out of the blue here comes Leah and Jamie

"Troy we've been looking all over for you" Jamie said. As soon as we saw them we let go of each other.

"Jane I'm glad we found you its already 11 we have to go!!!" Could Troy and I really have been out here for 5 hours? I looked at Troy and he smiled.

"Leah I was planning on taking Jane home. Is that ok?"

"She's not going home she's coming to my house" Leah sounded angry. I looked at Troy and he smiled back.

"Leah I think I will ride with Troy. And I'll be over soon ok?"

"Ok... but hurry" she smiled at me and started to walk back to the fence soon we couldn't see her.

"Troy hurry up k" Jamie said and fallowed Leah closely.

Troy lied down on the grass. I lied down on top of him. My head was on his heart. His hand rubbed my shoulder and the other held my hand. We lied there for a while before he started to get up he was still holding my hand.

"We should probably get going" his blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight. He pulled me to my feet in 1 swift movement and we started back towards the fence.

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