Chapter 14

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"Rima I want you to charge up my gun filled with lightning so when I shoot there would be a lightning effect causing even more pain" I continued "Senri~ after I shoot I believe that you can control your power swiftly to launch the bullet even faster than it already be going and guide it to that vampire just in case he does something to stop it"

They nodded their head agreeing with the plan

"OK let me get everything set" I ran to Zero and told him to distract Rido. Running back to the room with the weapons as fast as I could and taking a sniper on my way back I met with Shizuka

"yo I don't got the time to play with you right now"

"(Y/n).. There's something important I need to tell you.."

"you can tell me after I kill creepy vampire 101" I ran off before she could say or do anything

I laid flat on my stomach with the sniper in my hands aiming the gun at Rido's heat. After I was sure I was aiming correctly I gave Rima the signal. She quickly began sending her lightning into the gun causing me to feel a little pain from where I was holding the gun as I was about to fire the pain in my stomach came back but it was 10 times worse

I clenched my index finger on the trigger firing the gun


"Shit!" I groaned

Looking over at Senri I could clearly see he had a confused look on his face as in why I didn't give him the signal

I made my body in a tiny circle trying to sustain the pain

Zero's POV

"oh, I almost got shot! Haha that was a good plan.. But sadly it fails" the vampire said

I looked over to the roof where (Y/n). She was curled up in a small ball crying softly in pain

"(y/n)! What's wrong?!" as I was about to run to her a gush of what looks like cherry blossom took her. This can only be one person "Shizuka...."

I took off as fast as I can attempting to catch up to the blossom but was stopped by someone with a similar face to mine

"get out of my way Ichiru"

"ha? So you can stop Lady Shizuka? I think not!"

I got in a fighting position ready to attack my younger brother


When I opened my eyes the first thing I noticed was the gray ceiling... No.. This wasn't a ceiling... I was more like stone. I looked around and realized all the walls in the room were stone. I sat up confusion wondering how I got there but the only thing I remembered was missing the shot. When I got off the bed Shizuka walked in from a dark hall as if on cue.

"Did you bring me here? Why?" I walked a little closer to her, for some reason I felt a little weird..?.. I felt as though I was just got up from a long slumber, I felt more free and relieved

"I'll explain-" as she was speaking I happened to past near a mirror and in the corner of my eyes, I couldn't believe my eyes! I halt at the mirror and grabbed the two sides bring it closer to my face

"WHAT?! HOW? WHY IS MY HAIR SILVER???!" yes my hair was now silver not only that but my thick long black long eyelashes also turned a dark shade of sliver

"I'll explain..." Shizuka  said


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