Chapter one

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It's been a few months since Zero and I moved. Everything was fine until Zero began keeping his distance from me. It started last week...


"Zero! Zero!" I ran up to him and hugged him from behind, normally he would turn around, and give me a loving hug, but instead of hugging me he pushed me away and walked off. I ran after him while calling his name, but he didn't turn back. The next day, I saw him staring at a girl from our class 'Has Zero...gotten tired of me and have developed feelings for the class president, Amy?' I felt a pang of jealousy and sorrow in my chest. It was now evening and I walked home alone, Zero didn't come home his usual time. When he arrived home he didn't bother to tell my 'good night' or 'I'm home', he just went straight to his room..ever since then, he just kept locking himself in there...

Flashback end

I was currently sitting on the sofa watching TV, until I heard footsteps coming downstairs, when I looked at who came down the stairs, it was no other than Zero, he was dressed in a black shirt with a jacket covering it and dark jeans.

"Where are you going?" I asked, he said nothing and just continued walking towards the door. An anger mark pop up on the side of my forehead. I fisted one hand and grabbed my knives which I always carry, with the other.

"Answer my question!!!!" I threw the knives at the silver hair boy causing his jacket and almost his face to be injured. "Zero..are you angry with me?" He looked away trying to avoid eye contact, my (e/c) orbs widen. I sighed and looked back at the TV until I heard the door open then close, tears fell out my eyes like an uncontrollable waterfall. I closed my eyes still processing what just happened until I flopped down on the sofa and cried myself to sleep.

Zero's POV

As I walked to the train station I felt furious with myself for not telling (Y/n) I'm falling into a level E vampire... I knew someday I would have to I was planning to keep avoiding her until she got tired of my selfish ways and move on. I wish the blood tablets would quench my thirst, but sadly it doesn't anymore. A few days ago I told Cross that my body has been rejecting the tablets, so he told me to come to the academy to do a check-up.

-Time Skip to Cross Academy-

I walked to the headmaster's office to hear Kaname's sickening voice. I knocked and opened on the door to be greeted by a warm smile, it was Kaien.

"Zero, you've told me the blood tablets have been rejecting your body" he tapped at his fingers on the desk then continued "You are turning to a level E quickly... The only way to slow that process for a while is to drink a pureblood's blood..and the only pureblood that we can rely on is Kaname Kuran"

My face turned into pure disgust and rage

"No way in hell after what he did to (Y/n) and on top of that he's a vampire"

Kaien sighed an shook his head

"You rather for (Y/n) to see you as a level E? And on top of that when you die..she'll be very depressed.."

"But there's an advantage to this, if Zero dies, I can get (Y/n) all to myself," Kaname smirked, headmaster, cleared his throat for he knew where this conversation was going

"Fine whatever..and Kuran don't get too cocky about this or I won't hesitate to blow your brains out"

"So scary."

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