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Your thoughts trail off as he continues talking. What did Josh mean by last time?


You had met a few of the people in this camp. You soon learned they are called the Banditos. What a weird name. The camp was yellow. Well, yellow and green. Everywhere you looked, you see yellow flags or green tents. Not a bright green, but like an army green. It was nice. Very soothing. 

The magnificent colors even traveled to you. You know wore a green, camouflage jacket (which was extremely thick, since it was freezing here), with an army green tank top underneath, green pants and black boots. Tyler is the one who handed you the tape.

"Place it somewhere of importance. Somewhere that is important to you," he said.

You placed tape on your left shoulder, and it traveled over your heart. For your parents. You put another on your sleeves, over your wrists. Only you know why. And then one on your right knee, signifying's for Stella.

Everyone here is very nice too. They seem to have their problems, but they don't focus on them. They focus on helping each other.

Like Elise. She was born into an abusive family, but she is the kindest most amazing person you will ever meet. She loves everyone and is just such a sweetheart. 

Or Aaron. He is blind in one eye and doesn't have a left hand, but that doesn't stop him. He's one of the strongest people in the camp.

Or even you for example. You have so much self-doubt and have been mentally hurt by DEMA. But you always find a way to help around the camp.

The only stories you don't know, are of Tyler's and Josh's. They never spoke out about them, and you never asked, for fear of hurting them. 

Since you have been here, you've felt lighter. Like a burden had been lifted off your shoulders. But recently, you've begun feeling rough again. You felt horrible. Tired all the time,  and you had a massive headache, and you felt like you weren't any help. You noticed Tyler starting to slow down too. Maybe the trip from DEMA had effects that were just kicking in now. Josh told you and Tyler to stay in bed one day. So you could catch up on sleep and feel better. But Tyler decided to leave. He told you to stay. But you followed anyways. 

You followed as he trecked up the hill. You stayed a couple of feet behind so he didn't see you. Nobody else in the camp noticed you guys. He kept walking and walking. He walked into the trench. and began walking some more. He seemed to be walking in the same direction we had arrived in. Suddenly he stopped and just laid down. He seemed to close his eyes. In the middle of the stream. You reached down and touched the water it was freezing. What was he thinking? You hid behind a rock just watching him, wondering what he was doing. You rubbed some of the cold water on your head, hoping it would relieve the headache that was now getting stronger.

Suddenly Tyler sat up. You just stared at him from behind your rock. He looked around a little. He seemed confused. He begins to stand up and starts walking again. You see his back is covered in water and he has to be freezing. You stand up and follow him again. But you hear something. Something in the distance. It's like, trotting. 

Suddenly you realize. You think to yourself "run", but you are paralyzed. You can't move. Tyler keeps walking towards him. Soon, you see him. With his red cape and him on his white horse. You want to scream. You want to run, but you can't. You just stand there. "TYLER" you want to call out, but you can't, and he keeps walking towards him. 

Once he's a couple of feet away, he jumps off his horse and walks over to Tyler. Tyler doesn't make a move. He doesn't scream, or run. He just stands there. That's when Nico pulls his hands up to Tyler's neck. Tyler closes his eyes and just lifts his head.

Finally, your voice breaks through. You begin screaming because you know what's happening. He's smearing Tyler. Either they don't hear you, or they don't care because Nico walks back to his horse and Tyler just follows behind him. 

You continue to scream and start chasing them. You know where they are going, and you aren't going to let it happen. He got you out once, and you weren't going to let him go back in. 

You start running faster and faster. The cold water splashing around you. Suddenly, they stop. You are a couple of feet away from them and you start slowing down, now only walking towards them. They are looking up. Nico's horse starts moving around, and Nico seems to be trying to calm him. When you look up, you see people standing on the edge of the Trench. The closer you look, you realize they have yellow on them. Yellow tape. The Banditøs. 

One of them moves their hand out. At first, you are confused, but then you see pedals fall out. The rest of the Banditøs throw the pedals too. The horse is going nuts at this point. Nico is looking around like crazy. It seems he can't see. Tyler turns around confused and makes eye contact with you. His face drops. He begins to run and scream at you.

"What are you doing?! Run!!" He slams into you and starts pushing you to run. You start running too. Everyone around you is screaming, pedals are falling, but the only thing you notice, is the sound of the horse galloping, getting closer and closer to you guys. You push and push, running as fast as you possibly can, knowing your life very well might depend on it. You see a cave in the distance, that is surrounded by some kind of yellow straps, and covered by yellow tape. You look at Tyler and he nods his head. You only have a couple of feet left until you reach the safety of the cave. 

The galloping is getting louder and louder. Closer and closer. You can feel the splash of the water from you running, and the horse running right behind you. Almost there. You jump in through the yellow tape and everything goes dark.

Word Count: 1082

Authors Note:

Dudes so this is coming out pretty good and I'm excited for what's coming next. This took a while to come out because I got major writer's block right in the middle of it LOL. Anyways, love y'all and don't forget to vote and/or comment! 

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