The Proud

190 10 14

Fun facts:

(Y/N)-Your name              (E/C)-Your eye color

(F/N)-Friends name       (H/C)-Your hair color

She isn't awakening yet.

It's been three days!

This is the third time this WEEK we almost lost one.

Something is going on.

We need to close up the walls more securely!

We need more guards!

When she wakes, we will decide her punishment

She wasn't suspicious like the others

Each bishop began talking around you. Each one's voice even darker than the last. The last one was obviously Nicholas, but you couldn't tell the others apart. 

You faded in and out of consciousness for the next couple of hours. Only one bishop remained when you finally woke up. It was Nicholas.

"Oh, my sweet, sweet dear. It's good to see you awake," he said in a sinister voice as you opened your eyes.

You groaned and tried to move around, but you were tied down to the metal table below you.

"Trying to go somewhere so soon?" He replied laughing a little, fully knowing you weren't going anywhere for a long time.

"I just want you to be safe my child." He came up to you and pushed your (H/C) hair out of your face and placed it behind your ear. You recoiled at his touch, but this didn't stop him. He grabbed your (H/C) hair viciously.

"Why did you leave sweety?" He asks in a raspy voice. He gets closer to your face, but you close your eyes. You've never seen bishop up close, and you weren't planning on ever finding out what they looked like. Your eyes stayed sealed.

"You know you never would have made it. You are worthless. Useless. There is no way you could have made it all by yourself," he says laughing. His breath smells musty. 

"You know. You know. No one wants you here anyway, but at least you're alive, right? You are here. You are NEVER leaving. Trust me."

And with that, he left. He left the room feeling cold and dark. A single tear falls from your eye. What were you thinking? You never could have made it. It's impossible. You are just a little girl. A little useless girl. 


The lights go out

You hear a lot of feet running around outside your room, but they seem to be stumbling. The lights must be out there too. Suddenly you remember your parents. What are they thinking right now? They must know that you've been captured. Do they hate me know? Or do they understand?

Suddenly you hear your door creak open. You hear breathing. You think Nicholas came back, but the breathing pattern seems different. This person's breath seems shallow and rough. Too loud to be Nicholas. 

They reach your table and grab your hand. You immediatly whip your hand back as much as possible and shout. They cover your mouth with their own hand and shoosh you. Normally this would terrify you, but the shoosh is reassuring and calming. They don't seem like they are going to hurt you. 

They lean down and whisper one thing to you.

"Salho Folina."

They begin to untie your hands and feet. As soon as you are loose, you sit up and feel a head rush. The mysterious person whisks you off your feet and pushes you through the door. Whoever this person is, they have delicate, warm hands. It comforts you a bit more You can't see anything, but you hear people all around.

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