The Emotional

186 9 15

"No, no. My names Tyler," he says as he reaches out his hand to shake yours.


Tyler. What a neat name.

You've been walking with this "Tyler" for awhile and all you can say is that he is surprisingly a talker. Not even the fact that he's a talker, it's the way he talks. The vocabulary he uses is astonishing. 

After about an hour of walking and Tyler rambling on about how dogs honestly aren't that cool, you both come across a small shelter. Tyler seems unfazed, so he must have known this was here.

"We'll stay here for the night," he says as he pulls open the door and waves you inside. 

You step inside the little shelter and see there are some blankets and pillows scattered everywhere. There must have been a family here at one point. 

"It's not much, but it's better than being in there," Tyler says as he picks up a couple blankets and makes a make-shift bed for himself. 

You grab a couple of blankets and make your own. Once you get your bed situated, you walk outside to see that Tyler is making a fire. You sit down by it because you are a little bit cold. 

"So you don't really talk much, do you?" Tyler asks curiously.

'I think a lot, and it's not worth anything,' is what goes through your head, but you can't say that.

"Um, no, I guess not. Not a lot I have to say," you reply smiling awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood. "But I've heard I'm a good listener."

"Well, I've been told I'm good at asking questions and figuring people out. So, (Y/N), what's your favorite color?" Tyler says as he plops down on the ground.

"Uh, I guess it would have to be green. Like a forest green. A bright, forest green. But I gotta say, I'm digging the yellow you got there Mr. Joseph. What's your favorite color?" You ask while pointing to his tape.

Tyler brings his hand up to the tape on his arm and chuckles to himself. 

"My favorite color is," Tyler pauses for a second looking at the ground. "Well, I'm not sure. Colors are like symbols really. All different colors have different meanings and-"

"Okay, right now, at this moment, what is the prettiest color you can think of?" You reply before he goes on a rant about life.

"Right now....hmm. I'd probably have to say green as well. It looks nice. But, yellow is helpful," he says looking away quickly.


"You'll see soon enough," he replies hastily, and changes the subject "I hope your not too hungry, cuz all I have is this." He pulls out two whole bags of beef jerky while smiling at you.

"Oh my god, Tyler. How did you get so much?!" He hands you bag and you tear it open, smelling the aroma it spreads around. Beef Jerky is a delicacy in DEMA. It cost a LOT of money, and most people couldn't afford it. 

"I may or may not have stolen some," he says smirking at you.

You can't help but laugh as you grab a large piece of jerky, and shove it in your mouth. 

You and Tyler sit by the fire for a while before you both decide it's time to get some sleep. He wants to head out early in the morning. If the bishops come looking for you guys, they only search in the night(so they aren't "missing" in DEMA), so it's best to get a head start.

You lay down for the night, but you don't fall asleep right away. You've always had troubles with nights. That's when some of the worst thoughts happen. 

Oh well. You know Tyler is near, and although you just met him, he made you feel safe.

After a while, you drift off to sleep.


Time Jump LOL


It's about 3 AM and you hear rustling around in your shelter. You assume it's Tyler and try to fall back asleep.

But he keeps moving.

"Dude are you trying to get comfortable or what? Like go to sleep," you say with your eyes still closed.

The moving stops, but only for a little bit.

"Tyler seriously, you're making a lot of noise."



You open your eyes and see nothing but dark.

"Tyler are you okay?" You call out trying to see him in the black.

Suddenly, something shifts and you see two eyes in the dark. They aren't Tyler's eyes though. I mean, they have the shape and it kind of looks like Tyler's face, but you remember his eyes being brown. Not glowing red.


The figure squints its eyes at you with rage but suddenly closes its eyes with such a force. You think you hear it shake its head. Abruptly, it runs out of the shelter, leaving you alone. 

You slowly get up and walk out of the shelter to see what it was. All you see is Tyler sitting by the fire with his head in his hands. You walk over and sit next to him. Apparently a little to close for comfort because he quickly scooted away, keeping his head in his hands. 

"Are you okay Tyler?" You ask genuinely worried.

"I'm fine..."

"Tyler you don't seem fine and I don't want to just let you-"

"I SAID I'M FINE!" Tyler yells at you aggressively making you flinch backward. You stare into his bright red eyes. Your eyes trail down to his neck and you see that it's blackened and so are his hands. 

Tyler quickly recoils and starts apologizing, hiding his head again.

"You don't have to apologize. I was being nosey. Sorry," you reply hoping he would tell you what's going on. "If you want to talk about anything Tyler, I'm all ears."

"I........I'm fine," Tyler replies coldly. "I-I just need some time alone. Go back to bed I'll be in soon."

You barely whisper and "okay" and walk back into the shelter feeling defeated. You wanted to help Tyler because he had helped you, but you knew that wasn't going to be easy.

Right then and there, as you lay in your make-shift bed, you promise yourself that you will stay alive until Tyler Joseph lets you help him. It would keep you going for a while.

Author's Note:

Hey, Y'all this took to long to get out to you sorryyyy!!! Also, could you see this in the draft state? Like it said 5 people have seen it, but I'm confused as to how? ANyways! Let me know what you think of this and leave a vote if you want ;)

Word Count: 1116

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